Cornwall has one of the lowest development charge schedules in Ontario - including no development charges on manufacturing projects.

Development charges are the fees levied on residential and non-residential properties to help a city finance new infrastructure and municipal services. They are not the only costs involved in a development project: building permit fees, zoning application fees and other charges can all add up to a significant amount even on small projects.

Development charges may not always be readily evident in assessing the cost of moving to a city, as the charges may be absorbed by the contractor and recovered with a higher asking price for the property.

2023 Development Changes background Study Update and By-Law

The City currently imposes City-Wide Development Charges (DC) through By-Law 2018-038. This by-law was approved by Council on April 9, 2018 and is set to expire on April 9, 2023.

The City has undertaken an update to its DC Background Study and By-Law. The study has been prepared in accordance with the Development Charges Act  (DCA) and associated regulations/exemptions. The study identifies the growth-related net capital costs attributable to development that is forecast to occur in the City. The costs are apportioned to types of development (residential and non-residential) in a manner that reflects the increase in the need for each service attributable to each type of development.

The DCA provides for a period of public review and comment regarding the calculated DC. This process includes considering and responding to comments received by members of the public about the calculated charges. Following completion of this process, and in accordance with the DCA and Council's review of the study, it is intended that Council will pass a new DC by-law for the City.

This study is being prepared in partnership with Watson & Associates Economists Ltd.

January 23, 2023 Present Draft Findings to Council
January 26, 2023 Release DC Study on City Website
February 13, 2023 Present Draft Findings to Development Industry Stakeholders
February 27, 2023 Public Meeting of Council
March 27, 2023 By-Law Passage
April 10, 2023 By-Law Effective

Development Charges Interest Policy

Development Charge By-Laws

  • By-Law 2024-107 - to amend City-Wide Development Charges By-Law 2023-027
  • By-Law 2023-027 - for the Imposition of City-Wide Development Charges
  • By-Law 2020-112 - for the Imposition of Area-Specific Development Charges within Brookdale Ave North Corridor

Annual Report:



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Rates (2018)

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