City of Cornwall council and staff are working to make our community more sustainable. Use this page to discover projects we’re working on, and things you can do to get involved.

Check out these other pages for information about Adopt-a-Street, improving your home’s energy efficiency, flood risk reduction, flushables and FOGs, sewers and sewer laterals, The River Institute, Transition Cornwall +, wastewater services, and water purification.

Check out our gardening resources by clicking here.

Water conservation initiatives are underway. Learn more here!

Climate Emergency Declaration

On Monday, December 13, 2021, City of Cornwall Council declared a climate emergency. The City of Cornwall has joined more than 500 Canadian municipalities who have already publicly recognized the global climate crisis.

Understanding Energy Efficiency webinar

During the September 25th Meeting of Council, Council declared Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 as Energy Efficiency Day in the City of Cornwall.

To carry on the conversation for climate change and to elevate smarter energy use in the community, the City’s sustainability team hosted a Lunch & Learn webinar.

The webinar, Understanding Energy Efficiency, featured guests from Cornwall Electric, Sustainable Kingston, Enbridge, Walker Climate Care, and the EnviroCentre. Topics included how to optimize energy use, the purpose of energy audits, the technology of heat pumps, and understanding your Cornwall Electric bill.

To view the recording of the meeting, visit: City of Cornwall Energy Efficiency webinar

Circular Economy Month

The City of Cornwall is participating in Canada's First Circular Economy Month. Visit the city's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages to learn more!

A poster for Circular Economy Month

Waste management initiatives

The City of Cornwall's waste management division is constantly evolving to improve the way we manage your waste.

In 2021, the City implemented a two-bag limit to encourage residents to limit their trash. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of diversion opportunities like:

Also in 2021, the City announced its food waste plan. Organic waste - also known as kitchen scraps - will be collected at the curb and processed to make biogas and fertilizer.

Your garden can benefit from the City's waste! We give away compost and mulch for free - find out where and when.

Protecting Turtles

As Cornwall becomes a more sustainable and wildlife friendly city, engineers are looking into how our new roads can be adapted to help reduce turtle road mortality.

Did you know that all of Ontario’s eight turtle species are at risk of disappearing?

Within the city, we live with wildlife, and we need wildlife for a healthy ecosystem, even in urban areas. The new Nick Kaneb Road extension runs through an area that is home to many turtles. Turtles are important species as they feed on fish and small invertebrates such as crayfish, leeches and beetles.

This helps keep those invertebrate populations in check, and some turtle species help spread plant seeds within wetlands. So, when driving on this road, keep your eyes peeled, and slow down!

 City of Cornwall initiatives

City of Cornwall Council aims to show leadership in sustainability and climate change impact - check out their strategic goals.

In 2020, the City added two vehicles to its fleet: one electric, one hybrid. Staff will track operating and maintenance costs for these more sustainable vehicles.

The Environment and Climate Change Committee meets regularly. Committee members aim to provide a local perspective on climate change initiatives with respect to greenhouse gas emissions targets as well as provide a framework to work towards climate change goals, strategic direction and priority actions. 

The City aims to reduce its energy consumption and environmental impact by meeting goals set in the Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan. Eight new meters were installed throughout the City in order to register energy uses. Learn more by clicking here.

Energy Efficient Homes

Save money and protect the environment by building or improving an energy efficient home!

Click here for grants, rebates, and funding opportunities.

Bird Friendly City 

In the last 50 years, North American bird populations have dropped by more than 25%. Three billion of our birds, including common species that live in our towns and cities, are gone.

Cornwall is working towards becoming a Bird Friendly City through Nature Canada’s certification program.

The City, along with local organizations and community members, is looking at how our urban environments are safe havens for birds rather than a source of threats. From predation by domestic cats, to window and car collisions, cities and towns present many preventable hazards to birds.


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