Cornwall Economic Development's primary goal is to support and grow the local economy. The department undertakes five major activities:

  • Marketing Cornwall to attract new investment, new residents and tourism activity
  • Initial and direct point of contact for investors, developers, tourists and new residents
  • Direct point of contact for business owners (small and large) in their efforts to grow their businesses
  • Development, marketing and sale of land in the Cornwall Business Park
  • Advice and research activities related to short and long term, micro and macro economic issues

As part of the above, the Economic Development Department operates Cornwall Tourism, the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre, the ChooseCornwall Job Board; as well as overseeing the City’s Community Improvement Plans and the sale of employment lands in the Cornwall Business Park.

Cornwall Economic Development maintains a separate website at which offers information on both business and residential investment, in addition to current business news and employment opportunities.


The staff of Cornwall Economic Development can assist clients in all phases of the site selection process. Local firms can take advantage of the Department's resources and expertise to source the information and contacts necessary to succeed in today's competitive global economy.

For further information on the excellent prospects for doing business in Cornwall, contact the Economic Development Department at 613-933-0074 or individual staff directly at 613-930-2787 using the extensions below.

Name Title Extension
Mellissa Morgan Interim General Manager, Planning Development & Recreation 2599
Bob Peters Manager 2268
Dana McLean Economic Development Officer 2105
Vacant Small Business Consultant 2277
Sydney Smith Programs Administrator 2276
Shauna Baggs Tourism Officer 2547
Hassan Rafiei Tourism Development Officer 2285
Kat Rendek Project Coordinator, Interim Business Advisor 2322


Cornwall Economic Development

Cornwall Civic Complex
100 Water Street East
Cornwall, ON K6H 6G4
Telephone: 613-933-0074

Open weekdays, 8:30a.m. - 4:30p.m.


Cornwall Economic Development publishes a number of brochures, reports and maps which are available for download on Hard copies of these documents can also be requested via the Request Form.

Social Media and Web

In addition to, the Cornwall Economic Development also maintains the following websites:

You can follow Cornwall Economic Development on social media via the following links:

For further information on the excellent prospects for doing business in Cornwall, contact the staff of the Economic Development Department using the Contact Us form.

phone icon Contact Us

Bob Peters
Division Manager, Economic Development
100 Water Street East, Box 877, Cornwall ON, K6H 5T9
T.: 613-930-2787 ext. 2268
F.: 613-933-0745
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