The Planning Department also receives and reviews plans of Subdivision.

A registered plan of subdivision creates new, separate parcels of land and can be legally used for the sales of lots. Subdivision approval ensures that: - the land is suitable for its proposed new use - the proposal conforms to the Official Plan, as well as to provincial legislation and policies - property owners, neighbours and the community are protected from developments which are inappropriate or may put an undue strain on community facilities, services or finances.

An application for plan of Subdivision is reviewed for suitability, checked against the Official Plan and Zoning By-law; considered in light of topography, road access, water availability, sewage disposal, flood control and other factors. Conditions may be attached to the approval such as: road widenings - the naming of streets - parkland requirements - rezoning of the area to reflect the new uses in the subdivision and any other municipal requirements.

In most cases, the developer may be required to sign a subdivision agreement to ensure that certain services, such as sidewalks and roads, are provided after the plan has been registered.

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