There are several opportunities available for adveritising at City of Cornwall facilities.

Please click on the tabs below to learn more.

 Benson Centre

Advertising opportunities are available at the Benson Centre for companies to market their goods and services on a monthly or yearly basis. Not only will these opportunities provide a means of reaching a diverse, yet well defined market, but participating companies will also build community goodwill. Revenues from the sale of these advertising opportunities will be used to offset the costs of providing much needed recreational programming.

Opportunities include:

  • rink boards
  • poster signs
  • on-ice
  • washrooms
  • mini hockey stick arena
  • spectator tables/concession
  • showcase
  • letterhead
  • pop-up banner stands
  • road sign

Don’t delay! With only a limited number of opportunities available, it is expected that all programs will be sold out quickly. To ensure that your firm has a strong presence in this growing medium, contact the Facilities Rental Coordinator at 613-930-2787 ext. 2543 to reserve your spot.

 Civic Complex

Advertising opportunities are available at the Cornwall Civic Complex & Convention Centre for companies to market their good and services.

There are opportunities to fit every budget, from small poster sized ads to the sponsorship of an entire dressing room.  Have you considered putting your web site address on a wall, or perhaps in one of the dressing rooms?

Not only will these opportunities provide a means of reaching a diverse, yet defined market, but participating companies will also build community goodwill. The sale of these advertising opportunities will be used to offset the costs of providing much needed recreational programming.

Don't delay!  With only a limited number of opportunities available, it is expected that all programs will be sold out quickly.  To ensure that your firm has a strong presence in this growing medium, contact the Facilities Rental Coordinator at (613) 930-2787 ext. 2543 to reserve your spot.

Price List (excluding artwork & materials)

  • Backlit Advertising - Front Doors/Main Entrance (3.5 W x 5H): $700/year + HST
 Cornwall Transit 

Advertising with Cornwall Transit is managed by the companies below. Exterior and interior advertising is available.


Bus Shelters

Pattison Outdoor Advertising

Michel Odam

Director of Sales

(514) 284-4024 



Interior/Exterior of Buses

Pattison Outdoor Advertising

Sherry Keindal

Office Manager/Transit Operations Coordinator

Hunt Club West Business Park

6 Antares Drive, Phase 1, Suite 201

Ottawa, Ontario  K2E 8A9

OFFICE:  613-221-3600

DIRECT:  613-221-3606

MOBILE:  613-790-5077

Website: Please click here.


Bus Benches

Creative Outdoor Advertising

800-661-6088 ext. 304

Marc Oosterholt


phone icon Contact Us

Janice Robinson
Facilities Rental Coordinator
100 Water Street East, Box 877, Cornwall ON, K6H 5T9
Phone: 613-930-2787 ext. 2543
Fax: 613-938-7750
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