Business Licensing
Businesses selling products and services within the City of Cornwall may be required to obtain a Business License. Each municipality operates under a separate Business License By-Law. The information below will assist you in choosing the Business License that best defines your business.
Your Business License application will require inspection(s) and approval(s) by staff of Zoning, Building, By-Law, Health and Fire. The Business Licensing Agent will coordinate this process with you.
The review process varies based on the approvals that are required. In most cases, licenses can be issued within six weeks of receiving a fully completed application. However, you may experience a delay if you do not submit a fully completed application or if you fail to meet some of the licensing requirements.
A few items to keep in mind:
- Determine where your business will be located. Zoning will be part of the approval process to ensure your new location is zoned for your type of business.
- Check for open building permits at your new location because it could impact your license.
- If you plan to make modifications to your space, you may need a building permit. If you need a building permit it must be issued, and the building inspections must be passed before your Business License can be issued. A business license cannot be issued with an open building permit.
- Check with the Eastern Ontario Health Unit to understand the Public Health requirements for your business.
- Search for the type of business you plan to open in the Business License By-Law to learn about rules that apply to your business, and other key licensing information.
- If you as an applicant, are not the business owner, you will require an authorization letter from the business owner.
- A fully completed application including the necessary documentation must be provided before the process starts.
- A fully completed Business License Application
- Proof of age
- Proof of Liability Insurance
- Ownership:
- Business Name: a current Business Names Report certified by the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services;
- Partnership: a copy of the registered declaration of partnership; and
- Corporation: a current Corporation Profile Report certified by the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services.
5. A floor plan (sample) including:
- Gross floor area and/or gross leasable area;
- Proposed seating;
- Public washrooms;
- Garbage receptacles; and
- Fire exits.
6. A site plan (sample) indicating the following:
- Property boundaries;
- Roadways abutting the property;
- All access to property from the roadway;
- Existing and proposed building(s) and/or structure(s) on the property;
- Setbacks of building(s)/structure(s) from all property lines;
- Existing and proposed parking spaces (i.e., technical parking stalls, barrier-free parking stalls, loading spaces, and bicycle parking amenities, as applicable);
- Parking calculation for all land uses on the property; and
- Zoning matrix identifying the required and provided zoning standards including but not limited to zoning of the subject property, lot area, lot frontage, lot occupancy, existing and proposed land use(s), etc.
7. Authorization letter from the business owner.
8. License Fees
- Building Services
- By-Law Services
- Fire Services
- Planning Services
- Health Unit
- Display of License; prominent place
- Vehicle: on vehicle, or
- If no permanent place: on person
- Standards
- Clean & sanitary,
- Appropriate waste disposal, and
- Appropriate illumination
- No signs of Discrimination.
- Location of Business matches the license.
- Site (sample) & Floor (sample) Plan match what was provided in the Application.
a) Email:;
b) Fax: (613) 930-7426;
c) In Person: Cornwall Civic Complex, 100 Water Street East, 2nd Floor; or
d) Speak directly with the Parking and Licensing Agent: (613) 930-2787, Ext #2225.
- Business Licenses must be renewed annually by December 31. Registered businesses will receive a notice via email. Upon notification, you should promptly renew your license to avoid a late fee.
- Processing time depends on the type of license you need and how many departments or organizations need to review your application. The Parking and Licensing Agent can give you an idea of how long it might take, but if there are any problems found during the review it could slow things down. We will let you know if there are any issues with your application.
At the current time, intake of business license applications is paused while a review of 2025 Business License fees and requirements is undertaken.
- Business License fees will depend on the type of business.
- The Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre (CBEC) provides support and guidance to existing business owners and entrepreneurs across The City of Cornwall, The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry and Akwesasne. The Centre is designed to help you start and/or grow a business. CBEC offers a variety of services that assist new and existing entrepreneurs find success.
- For assistance from the Business Enterprise Centre, call 613-930-2787 ext. 2277 or 2276, or click here to visit their website.
- In most cases, licenses can be issued within 3-4 weeks of receiving the application. However, you may experience a delay if you did not submit enough information or if you failed to meet some of the licensing requirements or failed the inspections.
- Your license application may require an inspection and approval by staff of Zoning, Building, Health or Fire. You along with the department will coordinate this process.
Parking and Licensing Agent:
Phone: 613-930-2787, Ext: 2225
In-person at Cornwall Civic Complex, 100 Water Street East, 2nd Floor
1. Accommodations |
Including but not limited to:
2. Adult Entertainment |
3. Amusement Place |
Including but not limited to:
4. Automotive Centre |
Including but not limited to:
5. Food Services |
![]() Including but not limited to:
6. Personal Services |
![]() Including but not limited to:
7. Salesperson |
8. Special Events |
![]() Including but not limited to:
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