Arts and Culture Centre

The City of Cornwall boasts a thriving arts and culture scene!

Arts and culture is alive and well in the City of Cornwall!

arts centreThe new Arts Centre is viewed as the missing link that will complete the city's offerings to it's residents and visitors. It will serve as a perfect addition to the waterfront attractions, the modern sporting facilities at the Aquatic and Benson Centres and a premier event venue that will play a key roll in revitalizing the downtown area and boosting the local restaurants and businesses.  

Project History

In 2011, the Culturescape Report recommended the development of an arts and culture facility and in 2012, the City opened an account “The Art Trust Fund” to hold community donations to support that goal. In 2013, members across the arts community in Cornwall and area established the Centre for the Arts Collective/le Collectif pour un centre des arts to concentrate and focus fundraising and promotional events to advance the project. Money trickled in while the City’s Recreation Department provided support and direction.

In 2016, the City of Cornwall commissioned an architectural consulting firm to complete an Arts Centre Feasibility Study. The purpose of this Feasibility Study was to determine the facility needs, the affordability, the physical components (design, spaces and sizes), specific location, and costs for a Community Arts and Culture Centre in Cornwall. The final report recommended that the best option for the location of a new Arts and Culture Centre would be an $11-12 million addition/renovation at the Cornwall Civic Complex.

Fundraising and promotion continued slowly until early 2018, when BMO decommissioned the bank at 159 Pitt Street. The building had been erected in 1911 with a Beaux Arts style façade. City administration, to the delight of the arts community, ordered a FIT Test to assess the feasibility of the site for re-purposing as an arts centre with a black box theatre as its anchor. The FIT Test was positive and estimated refurbishment costs between $4 and $6 million. The City purchased the building in March 2018 and the project was re-energized.

City Recreation staff organized tours of repurposed art spaces and black box theatres in Eastern Ontario. In January 2019, a subset of the Collective, the Be The Link fundraising team, launched a drive with a goal of raising $1 million. They've reached that goal, but continue to fundraise!

The City’s 2020 budget allocated funds for an architectural firm to create the blueprints for the future arts centre. In February 2020, GRC Architects of Ottawa were chosen to do the work. GRC Architects has a reputation for innovative and engaging designs, including heritage buildings, community centres, and recreation facilities. They began work immediately, in the face of COVID-19 restrictions, with a Zoom conference call early on. They have since visited the site, drilling holes in the walls and excavating strategic spots in the rear parking lot to ensure that building and ground conditions are adequate to support their design work. Community consultation has taken place and project construction is underway.

 Construction Updates

Timeline 1

Timeline 2 


Photo Gallery: Arts and Culture Centre will appear here on the public site.
 Council Reports
Cornwall's home for the arts is one step closer to reality! The architects' drawings are ready for you to review, we can't wait to welcome you to the state-of-the art, multi-purpose facility at 159 Pitt Street.

March 8th, 2021 Initial Council Presentation

May 9th, 2024 Council Update

November 12th, 2024 Council Update

 Features & Amenities

Here is a quick overview of the plan:

  • We will preserve the front of the building.
  • Visitors to the arts centre will enter on Pitt Street. The foyer will feature an open space with views up to the second floor and a skylight.
  • The multi-purpose room on the main floor will include removable seating.
  • The second floor features two studio rooms that can be combined into one room.
  • The basement offers storage.

The plans are limited by the size of the lot. Most of the current building will be demolished.

The current plan would allow for the following type of activities at the Arts and Culture Centre:

  • Theatre and concerts for a small audience
  • Arts lessons and programming
  • Facility rentals for private events

Join Jamie Fawthrop and Councillor MacDonald as they walk you through the future of the Arts and Culture Centre. March 30, 2021

 Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost of the project?
 The cost of the project is approximately 12 million dollars.
When will the Arts Centre be open?
The Arts Centre has an anticipated opening date of January 2026. 
How can I book an event?
Stay tuned for more details. 


 Calendar Events
Stay tuned for our calendar of events! 
 Have Your Say
Arts and culture is alive and well in the City of Cornwall! Check out our engagement page to view drawings. 
 Donate - It's Never Too Late!

There are three ways to donate:

  1. Transfer funds electronically:
    Email: from your banking website, send your e-transfer to: 
    When asked for a security question, please enter “What is this for” and when asked for an answer, enter “bethelink”
    If you need help sending an e-transfer, please contact your financial institution.
    To receive a tax receipt: please include full contact information in the message or memo box.
    (Name, address, city, and postal code)
  2. Donate by cheque:
    Write a cheque to City of Cornwall Arts Centre and include Art Trust Fund in the memo line of the cheque. Print the pledge form and submit it with your cheque.
    Mail or deliver to:
    Cornwall Finance Department
    Suite 104, 100 Water Street East
    Box 877, Cornwall, ON K6H 5T9
  3. Donate cash or by credit card:
    Deliver your donation with a copy of the pledge form to:
    Cornwall Finance Department
    Suite 104, 100 Water Street East
    Box 877, Cornwall, ON K6H 5T9

Every donation over $20 will be given a tax receipt. There are recognition levels established and donors at these levels will be formally and permanently recognized within the Art Centre.

These levels are $500+, $1,000+, $10,000+, $25,000+, $50,000+, $100,000+.
To leave a larger legacy, naming rights for various features of the art centre will be available once the final architectural designs are in place. Groups and organizations are encouraged to hold fundraising events and we will help with publicity and promotion on the city’s website. See Contact us.

We thank you for your generous support.

phone icon Contact Us

Lorne Taillon
Leisure Arts Coordinator
800 Seventh Street West, Box 877, Cornwall ON, K6H 5T9
T.: 613-938-9898 ext. 4012
F.: 613-938-8855
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