Stretching along the City's southern border from Gray's Creek in the east to Guindon Park in the west, Cornwall's waterfront is considered by many to be one of the City's greatest assets.

The waterfront includes excellent walking and biking on the recreational trail (map), Lamoureux Park's arboretum, Marina 200, and plenty of outdoor sports opportunities.

The connection to the waterfront dates back to the very founding of Cornwall more than 220 years ago, when a group of settlers arrived in the general area of what is now the splash pad and children's play structure in Lamoureux Park.

The St. Lawrence River and waterfront has played a vital role in Cornwall's growth and development, serving both commercial and recreational purposes.

Today, Cornwall's 16-kilometre smoke-free waterfront serves as a gathering place for special events and a gateway to numerous recreation opportunities. Various parts of the waterfront are owned by senior government ministries or Crown corporations and these lands are leased to the City, thereby ensuring public access to the water's edge. The development of Cornwall's waterfront has been an area of focus for some time, and numerous community partners have been involved in the process together with the City.

Check out the waterfront plan


It's time to discover the recreational path! This network of 40 kilometres of paths allows people to walk, run, bike, and rollerblade along the St. Lawrence River and throughout the City.

Plus: you can now rent bikes!


Enjoy safe water-based fun by docking your boat at Marina 200, or putting your watercraft in the St. Lawrence River at the boat launches in Guindon Park and Lamoureux Park.


Discover Cornwall and area's rich history thanks to 40+ plaques erected along the waterfront.

The Lamoureux Park Arboretum is now open for visitors looking to discover more about Cornwall's urban forest. Located on the Waterfront Trail between the Cornwall Community Museum and the Rotary Eco Gardens, the Arboretum showcases 44 different types of tree species that make up Cornwall's tree canopy in one convenient place.


Time spent along the St. Lawrence River in Cornwall can be as simple as a family picnic. Take advantage of beautifully painted picnic tables, shaded benches, and gorgeous views by having a picnic in Lamoureux Park, Guindon Park, or along the recreational path.

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Lori Gibeau
Manager, Recreation
800 Seventh Street West, Box 877, Cornwall ON, K6H 5T9
Phone: 613-938-9898 ext. 4026
Fax: 613-938-8855
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