Welcome to the community's platform for exploring and downloading Open Data
Open Data is structured data that is machine-readable, freely shared, used, and built on.
On this page you will find datasets used daily in many of the City's business units. The data is free to download, share, and use. As additional datasets are made available, they will be added here. If you are looking for something specific, please make a data request using this form.
By downloading data from this website, you are agreeing to our Open Data License.
Improved customer service, community engagement, collaboration, and information sharing. By freely and openly distributing our road network and addressing map data, residents in new subdivisions will benefit by having their streets and addresses appear in delivery companies' maps faster. Likewise, investors and developers now have access to the location and characteristics of our water and sewer networks to assist them in their decision-making process.
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Explore the Data in these Ready-Made Apps
More maps and apps available on our Maps page!
Explore more data and documents available throughout Cornwall.ca
Department of Planning, Development & Recreation |
City Hall - Clerks |
Cornwall Police Services |
Cornwall Transit |
Cornwall Transit's bus schedule, bus location, and real-time alerts are made available using The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) and GTFS Realtime. This feed specification allows Cornwall Transit to provide realtime updates about their fleet to application developers. View the data in action in the TransitApp, Google Maps, Apple Maps, and Bing Maps too! |
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