The Freedom of Information Coordinator for the City of Cornwall responds to all Municipal Freedom of Information requests made under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Act applies to all Ontario municipalities, including the City of Cornwall and its boards and commissions.

The Coordinator ensures that each request follows the appropriate processes, meets all deadlines and notification processes as outlined in the Act.

The Act provides individuals the right of access to both general information and their own personal information maintained by the City of Cornwall. The Act also provides for the protection of personal information that has been collected by the City of Cornwall.

The Act also describes very limited and specific circumstances where information may need to be withheld from release.

Making a Freedom of Information Request

You can make a request for information held by the City of Cornwall by filling out this online form and paying the mandatory $5.00 application fee. 

In making your request, be sure to provide as much detail as possible to assist in the search of records.

If the request is for your own personal information, identification is required.  Please include a photocopy of a government issued photo ID bearing your signature.

If you are acting as an agent for an individual other than yourself, please include a letter of consent duly signed and dated by that individual authorizing you to act on his/her behalf.

When we receive your request, the process will commence on the date the request and payment is received by our office.  We have 30 days to respond.  For requests that involve a large number of records, an extensive search, or consultation with an external third party, the time may be extended.  Requesters will be advised of a time extension.


Additional Fees

We may charge additional fees under section 45 of the Act if your request involves a great deal of staff time in order to complete, or yields a large number of documents.

Ontario Regulation 823 sets out the specific fees to be charged for processing a Freedom of Information Request.

Copies:  $.20 per page

Records Preparation:  $7.50 per 15 minutes (Time spent preparing records for release)

Search Time:  $7.50 per 15 minutes (Time spent searching for and retrieving records)

CD's: $10.00

Computer Programming:  $15.00 per 15 minutes (if a program needs to be developed to retrieve information)

Shipping and Other Costs:  As invoiced

If it is anticipated that fees are more than $25.00, you will be given a fee estimate.  If the estimate of fees to be paid is greater than $100.00, you may be required to pay a 50% deposit.


Additional fees may also be charged as per the City's Fees and Charges By-Law 2023-049

Ambulance Call Reports:  $96.05 ($85.00 + HST)

Fire Incident Reports:  $96.05 ($85 + HST)


 Appeals to the Information and Privacy Commissioner

If you are not satisfied with the decision made by the City, you can file an appeal with the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC).

To make an appeal to the IPC you must, within 30 days of receiving the decision, complete the IPC's appeal form and also send:

  • a copy of your original request for information;
  • a copy of the decision letter; and
  • a fee payable to the Minister of Finance.  The appeal fee is $10 for personal information and $25 for any other kind of information.

These materials should be mailed to:


Registrar, Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario

2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400

Toronto, ON   M4W 1A8


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