The City of Cornwall's Waste Disposal Site is located at 2590 Cornwall Centre Road.
Opening hours are:
Monday to Saturday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
2024 Closure Dates:
- Monday, January 1
- Monday February 19
- Friday March 29
- Monday May 20
- Monday July 1
- Monday August 5
- Monday September 2
- Monday October 14
- Wednesday December 25
- Monday, May 22
The City of Cornwall's Waste Management Department currently oversees one open landfill, two closed landfill sites, a material recovery facility, a composting facility, and a hazardous waste facility. All of these facilities are used to manage the City of Cornwall's waste.
Sort your waste properly using Recycle Coach!
Discover diversion locations using this interactive landfill map
City of Cornwall Landfill | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The City of Cornwall's Waste Management Department currently manages the Cornwall Waste Disposal Site located at 2590 Cornwall Centre Road. The facility currently sits on 60 hectares of land and accepts waste from the City of Cornwall only. The Landfill was opened in 1985 adjacent to the older landfill site which was opened in 1983 and closed 1985. The landfill consists of 4 different quadrants with 2 cells located within each quadrant. The landfill has an expected lifespan of 10 years which is estimated based on remaining volume. The landfill has a gas and leachate management system which works to controls odours from the organic material breaking down inside the landfill which creates methane and other gases. The flare facility located at the Cornwall Waste Disposal Site works to flare off any harmful greenhouses gases and also prevents odours from leaving the facility. The flare facility is currently being replaced at the landfill site, the new flare facility will be capable of capturing and destroying more gas. The City of Cornwall accepts material from all types of projects and customers within Cornwall. If you are looking to do a large job that requires the services of the landfill you may need to set up an account, fill out this form for more information. Hauling to the LandfillHaulers must advise the City upon entering the landfill site of the origin of the waste being hauled. Proof of residence may be requested. Haulers must separate the following materials from regular solid waste upon arrival at the landfill: old corrugated cardboard, scrap metal (including white goods), uncontaminated wood waste, scrap tires, leaf and yard waste. As per MTO regulations all open loads of waste are to be covered to avoid blowing litter while travelling to the landfill. In order to keep our City clean any loads that arrive at the City of Cornwall uncovered or untarped will be charged an additional "surcharge" at the scalehouse which will be payable the day of the incident.
Tipping Fees | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The City of Cornwall Waste Disposal site currently charges tipping fees on certain items at its landfill site to help offset the cost of waste management to the Cornwall taxpayers. Tipping fees are payable by cash or debit at the City of Cornwall Waste Disposal Site's Scale house. All tipping fees are non-negotiable. Those individuals or business looking to set up an account at the City Landfill can fill out this form. For all businesses that are not based out of Cornwall, a deposit on your account will be required prior to using the landfill. Deposits can be taken to 360 Pitt Street and placed on your account Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm.
As of January 1st, 2023, there will be a separate rate structure for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (IC&I) waste. Residential delivered waste, which is defined as waste delivered by residents and not a contracted service provider, will be subject to the residential rate below. Additionally, a surcharge of 50% of the total tipping fee shall be applied to loads delivered which exceed the threshold for divertible material. All users of the site are expected to sort their waste into the appropriate locations in order to avoid potential surcharges. As of January 1, 2024, the current tipping fees are as follows:
Material Recycling Facility | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() The Material Recycling Facility also known as the MRF is located at 2590 Cornwall Centre Road. The Recycling facility currently processes 4700 tonnes of recycling per year. The facility also processes recycling from North and South Stormont, South Dundas, and Akwesasne. Once the recycling arrives at the facility, it is hand-sorted by 13 employees into specific categories. The sorted recycling is then baled and transported to end markets where recycling becomes new material. Below are some examples of what your recycling becomes in Cornwall:
The Recycling facility generated $540,000 in 2017, which went to offset the costs associated with Waste Management in the City of Cornwall.
Compost Facility |
The City of Cornwall manages a Compost facility located at 2590 Cornwall Centre Road. The Compost facility is where all the leaf and yard waste from the City of Cornwall is managed and turned into compost that residents can then use in their gardens. Last year the City of Cornwall processed nearly 2000 tonnes of leaf ad yard waste and turned it into compost. The City of Cornwall uses a windrow method to manage its compost facility. Windrow composting is the production of compost by piling organic matter (leaf and yard waste) in long rows called windrows. This method is best suited to producing large volumes of compost. The rows are generally turned to improve porosity and oxygen content, mix in or remove moisture, and redistribute cooler and hotter portions of the pile. The temperature of the windrows is measured every day and logged to determine when the compost is ready for turning. The City of Cornwall allows residents to collect compost for free from the Compost Facility all year round. Residents are responsible for loading their own compost at this facility. |
fREe Store |
Cornwall residents may now drop off – and pick up – gently used items like furniture, tools, reusable renovation materials, etc. These items are set up in a sea-can container depot at the landfill. Please note that the fREe store is for reusable items only. When you get to the landfill, drive to the weigh scale and let the operator know that you’re looking to access the fREe store. The operator will direct you. As the landfill reaches the end of its life, it is more important than ever to properly manage this resource. If you are looking to get rid of items that still have life in them, please make them available to other residents who can use them. Please use common sense and be respectful – pick up only what you need, and drop off only what can be reused. Staff will be on site to manage the fREe store. Residents are also encouraged to donate their used items, where possible, to local thrift stores, many of which support non-profit organizations. |
Contact Us
Waste Management Division
861 Second Street West, Box 877, Cornwall ON, K6H 5T9
T.: 613-937-1777
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