Frequently Asked Questions are listed below. If your question is not answered on any of these pages, please feel free to contact the Lodge by calling 613-933-3384.
Who can be a volunteer? |
How do I volunteer? |
There are two ways to contact us:
We will then set up an appointment for you to take a tour of our facility and to find out about the various volunteer opportunities available. Most importantly, we like to find out your personal interests and ambitions so you are appropriately placed. |
Are there expectations prior to volunteer job placement? |
Due to the vulnerability of our Residents and clients, we take steps to ensure they are protected from the risk of fraudulent activities and harmful actions. We expect our potential volunteers to produce two credible references and provide a current (within six months) Vulnerable Sector Check. All information obtained from the inquiry will be kept confidential. |
Will I be trained? |
You will be offered on-the-job training, as well as receive a general orientation package, provided by the Supervisor of Resident Services. |
To whom am I responsible? |
Generally, volunteers work under the supervision of a program staff member. All questions related to the volunteer position itself can be directed to the staff member to which you are assigned. For general inquiries, the Supervisor of Resident Services who oversees the Volunteer Department will be happy to give guidance and listen to any of your concerns. |
What is the dress code for volunteers? |
We strongly believe in a home-like environment and support a casual dress code. We do advise our volunteers to wear comfortable, clean clothing in good repair. If your position requires a lot of walking, running shoes would be most suitable. In the summer months, only walking shorts are permitted. Our building has excellent climate control; tank tops or halter tops are not necessary to keep cool. Short skirts (or short shorts) are not permitted and are inconvenient when providing service. |
What if I don't like my job? |
We do our best to match you with appropriate volunteer functions. However, if you are not enjoying your assignment and wish to be reassigned, we will be happy to explore other opportunities. |
What time commitment do I need to make? |
This depends on the type of volunteer service you wish to provide. Most of our volunteers commit to a couple of hours per week. There are other positions, such as Outreach Day Away Volunteer, that require a minimum of 5 hours per week. The time commitment depends greatly on your own schedule. |
Of what other expectations should I be aware? |
As a Glen Stor Dun Lodge volunteer, you become a valuable member of our care team. We expect that you treat your position with honour and respect and take heed of these guidelines:
For more information |
Please click here to email Shelby McLean, Resident & Family Services 1900 Montreal Road Cornwall, Ontario, K6H 7L1 Tel: (613) 933-3384 (extension 4219) Fax: (613) 933-7214 |
Meals on Wheels
Who can be a volunteer? |
Since meal delivery occurs over the noon hour and requires a vehicle and driver's licence, our volunteers tend to be adults, mostly retired, who have greater availability during the day. However, we welcome students requiring volunteer hours to deliver with family who already volunteer, as well as adults still in the work force wanting to contribute on their days off. Volunteers should possess an interest in the elderly and a desire to provide assistance to those in need. |
How can I become a Cornwall Meals on Wheels Volunteer? |
You can apply to become a volunteer or receive more information by contacting either the Meals on Wheels Coordinator at 933-3384 ext. 4263 or the Supervisor of Outreach Services at 933-3384 ext.4234. You can also apply using the online application form, followed by an orientation with the Volunteer Coordinator. |
What role do the volunteers play? |
Volunteers are the main means of communication between the Meals on Wheels staff and the client. Not only do the volunteers deliver hot, nutritious meals to the table of the recipient, they also deliver messages from the office to the client and receive information from the clients that is to be reported back to the Volunteer Coordinator or Supervisor of Outreach Services. More importantly however, volunteers are for many of the clients, the only form of social contact they receive on a daily basis. This provides the clients with a true sense of affiliation, social connection, and human worth. |
How much of my time will it take? |
Meals on Wheels is an ideal community service for which to offer your time since you are able to you choose your level of commitment. All we require is a minimum of two hours, one day a month to deliver meals. This proves beneficial to those with other commitments, those still in the workforce, or those enjoying the exploration of volunteer options. However, opportunities exist for more frequent volunteer activity if you so choose, either by committing to more than one day a month, or by acting as a spare for last minute volunteer cancellations. |
Where do the volunteers work? |
Prior to meal delivery, volunteers always report to the Meals on Wheels volunteer room at the Glen-Stor-Dun Lodge at the specified time for their route. Of course, volunteers are always welcome to arrive early in order to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee. Once the meals have been brought to the Meals on Wheels Room, volunteers then leave the Lodge and deliver the meals throughout the city of Cornwall, following the route listed on their clipboard. Volunteers' complete their day once again at the MOW room, by returning the equipment for their route and reporting any concerns. |
Is there a dress code for volunteers? |
Volunteers are the representatives of Meals on Wheels. We therefore encourage our volunteers to wear clothes that are clean and neat, but comfortable. In the summer, walking shorts or Capri pants are appropriate. Running shoes, or comfortable walking shoes are a good idea due to the nature of the volunteer work. In the winter, appropriate outdoor clothing is recommended as volunteers will spend a considerable amount of time outdoors. |
To whom am I responsible? |
Volunteers first source of information and direction is the Volunteer Coordinator. If the Coordinator is not available, the Supervisor of Outreach Services will be able to assist as she oversees the entire MOW Program. Should neither be available in the instance of an emergency, please inform the front desk at the Glen Stor Dun Lodge and the receptionist will contact both the Coordinator and the Supervisor. |
Will I receive an initial orientation and a formal training session? |
New volunteers are required to attend an initial Meals on Wheels orientation with the Volunteer Coordinator. At this time, the program will be explained in full, any necessary forms will be signed, such as the Confidentiality Agreement, and two videos depicting the delivery process will be shown. Volunteers are also given a handbook detailing all aspects pertaining to Meals on Wheels, The Glen-Stor-Dun Lodge, and other client or program related information. The Volunteer Coordinator or designate will accompany you on your first delivery to explain the process and answer questions. Job specific training is provided for most assignments. Updates and continuing training events are held throughout the year in the form of meetings, memos, and one-on-one discussion with the Volunteer Coordinator or Supervisor of Outreach Services. Volunteers will also be provided with a newsletter published quarterly containing information about the program, the clients, and other articles of interest. |
What kind of meal delivery equipment is provided? |
Thermal bags holding up to 16 meals, keep the meals hot for up to two hours. Three thermal bags are provided for each route, one containing hot meals, one for soup and gravy, the other for salad and dessert. A clipboard is provided for each of the seven routes, listing all the clients on that route in the order in which the meals are to be delivered. On the clipboard as well, a city map and sheet for recording any Volunteer concerns or messages from the clients are provided. |
What vehicles are used to deliver meals? |
Volunteers use their own cars to deliver meals. Any subcompact or larger vehicle will easily accommodate the delivery equipment, helper and driver. All volunteers deliver meals in teams of two - one driver and one helper. If you don't have a car or would prefer not to drive, you can volunteer as a helper. The helper assists with directions for the driver, and delivers the meals at each stop. You and a friend can comprise a team. All drivers are required to have adequate insurance coverage in order to use their vehicle for meal delivery. We are more than happy to provide an insurance notification form should you require one. |
Does Cornwall Meals on Wheels allow for group or corporate volunteering? |
Groups are welcomed and encouraged to volunteer together! Corporate, civic or church groups can volunteer to come as often as they want, but we ask for a minimum commitment of once a month. Groups usually like to own a route and deliver the same route on a specific day each week or each month. Larger groups may like to own more than one route as each route only needs two volunteers - a driver and a helper. (Meals on Wheels staff will conduct a training session at a place and time convenient for your group.) |
What are the sources of funding for Cornwall Meals on Wheels? |
The Meals on Wheels program receives funding from the Ministry of Health, the United Way of Cornwall and District, the City of Cornwall, as well as private donations. |
What time are meals to be delivered? |
All of the meals are delivered between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The departure time may vary slightly depending on the route. Route 7 leaves the kitchen at 11:00, routes 1, 2, and 3 leave the MOW room at 11:15, and routes 4, 5, and 6 leave the MOW room at 11:30. |
What about volunteer screening? |
Volunteer screening is done in such a way as to be objective, fair, thorough, and standard to each and every potential volunteer who walks through the organizations doors. |
What if I travel often or go away every winter? |
Meals on Wheels welcomes all volunteers, even if you can commit only for part of the year. Due to our large volunteer corps, we are able to fill the spaces of our "snowbirds" temporarily while they travel for the winter months. Your place would then be made available to you again upon returning home. All we require is that you inform us well in advance of the final day you will deliver, and the date you are expecting to return. |
For more information |
Andree-Anne Morin, Meals on Wheels Coordinator 1900 Montreal Road Cornwall, Ontario, K6H 7L1 Tel: (613) 933-3384 Ext. 4234 Fax: (613) 933-7214 |
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