Old sepia photo of Glen Stor Dun Lodge

"Glen Stor Dun Lodge continues to build on its 98 years of history of providing services to Seniors in the City of Cornwall and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, & Glengarry."

"It started in 1912..." 
When the Province gave local governments the responsibility of providing for the poor and the aged, the United Counties hired A. Cameron, of Alexandria, to build the House of Refuge. Opened in 1912, on 11th Street East, in Cornwall, the House was not only a home to the aged and sick who could not fend for themselves, but to the unemployed as well.

According to the Residents' register, "pauperism" was often coupled with "idiocy" or "simple-mindedness," and various infirmities.  Living conditions were basic to say the least, and, as the United Counties moved through both World Wars and the Great Depression, conditions steadily deteriorated.  

"In 1932, the House was renamed Glen-Stor-Dun Lodge, Home for the Aged."

"By 1949, the Lodge was overcrowded..." 

The Standard Freeholder, of May 1949 reported: "For some time it has been known to the public, and especially to the more recent boards of management, that the present Home for the Aged has become increasingly inadequate to meet the similarly increasing demands on behalf, not only of the aged persons at present, but also of increasing number of applicants for admission."

"The change of public attitude in recent years towards the treatment and care of aged persons has materially changed, passing progressively from the long ago days of the Work and Poor House to the House of Industry, then to the House of Refuge, until today such institutions are known, more properly as Homes for the Aged. It is perhaps, significant that these processes of change of public attitude are not generally recognized or admitted until those in immediate charge are confronted with very definite and urgent problems."

By 1949, these inadequacies included overcrowding with 100 residents living in a building designed for about 30, a dilapidated heating system, and condemnation from the Ontario Fire Marshall.  The House of Refuge was closed in 1952.

"1952 marked a new chapter in the Lodge's evolution..."

In response to the need, the first sod for the new $821,400 Lodge was turned on Monday, September 25, 1950, at the former Beachview Farm, by United Counties Warden John D. Ferguson.  The actual construction began that fall.

In 1952, Glen Stor Dun Lodge moved to its new site on the St. Lawrence River. 

Black and white aerial photo of Glen Stor Dun LodgeIn the early 1950s, thankfully, there was no more need to house the poor. With Seniors' Apartments still on the horizon and minimal seniors' support systems in place at that time, the Lodge was primarily looking after the well elderly. Seniors, who required heavier care, were looked after in Chronic Care Hospitals.

In 1956, the property was annexed by the City of Cornwall and the Residents of Glen Stor Dun Lodge became "City Dwellers."

"1967 and Canada's Centennial..."

The Glen Stor Dun Lodge non-denominational Chapel became a reality as a 1967 Centennial Project through the generous gestures of the following councils: Finch Township, Lancaster Township, Lochiel Township, Kenyon Township, Lancaster Village, and Roxborough Township. 

Our Chapel was erected to commemorate Canada's 100th Birthday and to provide Residents with a place to worship and meditate in a respectful and joyful atmosphere.

"By the 1980s, increased Resident needs had propelled the Lodge into a new era..."

In the early 1980s, it became apparent that the existing Home, with its eight bed wards and community washrooms, was not appropriate for the Residents we were admitting then. With Seniors' apartments and some support services in place, the Lodge began to admit Residents with much heavier care needs.  In 1986, an agreement between the United Counties and the City of Cornwall was made to construct two new Homes, one with 80 beds in the Counties, the other with 120 beds in Cornwall. 

"The Save the Site Committee of 1986 helped to determine the Lodge's future..."

In February of 1986, the first letter to the editor was written by the Lodge  Resident Council that asked to keep the Residents together on the current site and the Residents' and Families' Save the Site Committee was born. In this instance, our Local Government and our Community gave the elderly the right and the opportunity to have a say in their own future. Between 1986 and 1988, over 160 newspaper articles were written about this campaign.

In May 1986, the United Counties decided to build in Williamsburg and in September 1986, the City of Cornwall decided to purchase the present site from the United Counties.

In February 1988, the Honorable John Sweeney, Ontario Minister of Long Term Care made the decision that gave our Residents great joy. He decided that there would be one 125-bed Home on the current Lodge site and Seniors' Satellite Centres subsequently were opened in Williamsburg, Winchester, Finch, Lancaster, Alexandria, Ingleside, and Maxville.

"In 1994, the City of Cornwall assumed the Lodge's operation..."

In 1994, the ownership and operation of Glen Stor Dun Lodge was transferred from the United Counties to the City of Cornwall.

A completely new facility was constructed on the present site and our Residents were welcomed to their new Home in April 1994.  The New Lodge was planned with considerable input from the Municipalities, the Residents, Clients, Families, Staff, Volunteers and Management of the Home. The Planning Committee's primary goal was to keep the Resident as the central focus of the building design and to provide dignity, independence and support to the Senior Citizens of the Lodge and of our Community. 

After only six months in the new facility, the Lodge received Provincial and National recognition for the success of its design. The medication of the Residents in the Special Care Units was decreased by over one third and there was no further need for any type of restraints on either of these units for these very special people.

The Lodge and the Community

Welcome sign at glen stor dun lodgeIn recent years, the Lodge has opened its doors to the Community.  

We became a teaching facility providing placement opportunities to students from high school, college, and university. 

The Lodge Tea Room serves over 21,000 meals per year to friends and family of our Residents and to the general public, and is home to the Sunrise Rotary Club.  

Community Outreach

In 1988, the Lodge entered a new era in offering services to Seniors. This was the year when we went beyond offering quality facility care and began reaching out to our Community. In 2002, our Outreach programs offered over 25,000 meals per year to the Community through the Lodge Meals on Wheels program and over 70 Seniors per week benefited from the Alzheimer and Senior Day Programs (English and French), the Telephone Assurance Program.

2018 and beyond..."

The year 2018 marks the Lodge's 106th Birthday! 

"To be the Leader in personalized care and services." will continue to be our vision in providing quality care to the citizens of our Community in the years to come.

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