Panoramic view of Complex salons






The following table outlines the current rental rates by room.

Room Rate H.S.T. Total
Arena $3000.00 $390.00 $3390.00
Lower Level Rooms      
Salon A $93.46 $12.15 $105.61
Salon B $467.29 $60.75 $528.04
Salon C $93.46 $12.15 $105.61
Salons ABC $654.21 $85.05 $739.26
Hall of Fame $233.65 $30.38 $264.03
Upper Level Rooms      
McLeod Room $121.50 $15.80 $137.30

Additional services are available to promoters and event organizers, and are outlined as follows (excluding H.S.T.).

Set-up/tear-down costs are based on your technical rider, and an estimate is provided before the contract is signed. These costs include set-up, tear-down, clean-up, insulated flooring system over the ice, stage set-up, power, water, dumpster, rigging and fees for an electrician. You will be charged based on actual costs only.

Promoters are welcome to contract their own stage hands and riggers.

Full-time staff $36/hour
Part-time staff $36/hour
Stage hands $36/hour
Clean-up crew $36/hour
Removal of boards/glass $75/section
Electrician $100/hour, $150/hour after hours
Riggers to be contracted
Dumpster varies
Power/Water varies

Ticket Service: 
Our facility uses the Ticketpro web based system. The Cornwall Civic Complex Box Office adds a $1.50 service charge per ticket to your ticket price. Any tickets not sold through our office are subject to an additional service charge by Ticketpro. The Ticketpro service charge is subject to change without notice.

Tickets patrons can purchase tickets at the Cornwall Civic Complex Office, Monday to Friday, 8:30AM to 4:30PM or call at (613) 938-9400, or on-line at or toll free at 1-888-655-9090.

Custom Ticket Design:
$350.00 flat charge.

Box Office:
We have box office staff available to work outside our regular office hours. Our package fee starts at $600.00 + HST. 

Credit Card & Interac fees are charged back to promoters at 2.76%.  Also, there is a ticket printing fee of $.31 per ticket + HST.

Contracted security guards are available at $36.68 per hour plus HST (2024 rate only). Security is usually booked in 1 hour prior to your event and a half hour following or until all patrons have exited the building.

The promoter is responsible for all advertising, but we will certainly put up posters in our two municipal arenas to promote events. Events will be featured on the City's Social Media at no cost to the promoter.

For a list of registered caterers, please contact the Facility Rental Coordinator at 613-930-2787 ext. 2543.

Stormont First Aid:
Packages start at $350.00 + HST.

Sound & Lighting:
Any additional equipment required such as performance sound and lighting is an additional cost.  A recommended contractor is Wall Sound & Lighting in Ottawa, Ontario can be reached at (613) 225-2190 ext 229.  

A recommended contractor is Kim-Ko Productions in Ottawa, Ontario.  George Thomson can be reached at (613) 761-2705.

Cornwall Civic Complex
100 Water Street East
Cornwall, ON
K6H 6G4
Main office: 613-938-9400

phone icon Contact Us

Janice Robinson
Facilities Rental Coordinator
100 Water Street East, Box 877, Cornwall ON, K6H 5T9
T.: 613-930-2787 ext. 2543
F.: 613-938-7750
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