A new water meter is now required in every home and business serviced by the City of Cornwall. A meter is necessary to measure your water use. Understanding your water use will help you manage your bill. Paying only for the water you use is equitable, fair, and promotes water conservation.
Over the coming months, you will hear from the City and our contractor Neptune Technology Group. Neptune will be installing meters area-by-area from one end of the city to the other.
When it’s time for you to book your installation appointment, you will get a letter from Neptune in your mailbox with instructions on how to book, and how to prepare for your appointment. Appointments will be available during the day, evenings, and weekends to accommodate all schedules. If your water service requires a survey ahead of your water meter installation, you may also hear from the City's Project Consultant, Diameter Services.
Meters will be installed city-wide by Fall 2026 and billing under the new system will begin in early 2027. This will give you a chance to learn more about your water consumption and make changes before consumptive billing begins.
Why water meters?
In 2021, the City commissioned the development of a Water Conservation and Servicing Master Plan. One of the recommendations in the Master Plan is to implement universal water metering at all water service connections in the city.
With water meters, you will be charged for the water you use – not the number of taps, tubs, and fixtures you have in your home. This puts control of your water bill in your hands as you will pay per cubic meter you consume. You can also use your water meter to identify leaks at your property and prevent water damage.
The installation of water meters will also improve the City’s ability to monitor water loss in the distribution system. Finding and repairing leaks and other issues quickly provides operating cost savings that ultimately benefit the rate payer.

How to read your meter
To monitor your daily use:
- Take a reading at a set time of the day.
- Take another reading at the same time the next day.
- The difference between the two readings is your 24-hour water consumption.
Note: If the red sweep hand is moving when all your fixtures are turned off, you may have a leak.
When to expect your meter to be installed
Water meters will be installed area-by-area, starting in the east end of the city. Use the interactive map below to determine your area:
Area | Anticipated Start Date | Area | Anticipated Start Date |
East End A | Q2 2025 | Centretown A | Q4 2025 |
East End B | January 2025 | Centretown B | Q4 2025 |
Downtown A | Q3 2025 | Riverdale | First half of 2026 |
Downtown B | Q3 2025 | Eamer's Corners | First half of 2026 |
Properties that fall Outside of the main installation areas will be have meters installed on an ongoing basis throughout the project.
The City and Neptune will strive to meet this schedule, however, changes may occur. This schedule will be updated if there are any changes to the project schedule. When your Project Area is opened, you will receive a letter of notification from the City of Cornwall. This letter will contain details on the booking and installation process, as well as the date and location for the public information session to be held for your area. A public information session will be held for each of the Project Areas.
The City will host a public information session for Project Area: East End B on November 27, 2024 at the Civic Complex Salon A from at 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions to City staff and subject matter experts about the installation process and the equipment to be installed. Registration is not required.
What to expect during your installation
The installation procedure requires 30-90 minutes to complete, during which time the water will be shut off for a brief period. One meter will be installed per water service entering the property. An adult of at least 18 years of age must be home for the entire appointment. There is no fee for booking and payment information (cash, cheque, credit card, etc.) will not be requested. For your convenience, appointments are available Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
To prepare for the appointment, please ensure your water shut-off valve is accessible and leave ample room for the installer to work.
The images below show an installed water meter (left), a Neptune installer performing the installation (middle), and an installed radio transmitter (right).

Future Changes to Your Water Bill: Metered Rates Coming in 2027
Following your meter installation, you will continue to be billed your flat rate and your water bill will not immediately change. Starting early 2027, your water bill will be dependent on your consumption as measured by your water meter. You will receive one bill per meter at your property. More information on future water rates and how to prepare for this transition will be shared in 2026.
Tips to save water and money
Check out our page on water conservation for tips on how to use less water at home and learn about the rebate and incentive programs available to Cornwall residents.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the City installing water meters? |
A meter is necessary to measure your water use. Understanding your water use will help you manage your bill. Paying only for the water you use is equitable, fair, and promotes water conservation. |
What is the project timeline? |
Installations are expected to begin in December 2024, and the project is expected to be completed by August 2026. Changes to the project schedule will be posted on the City's project webpage. |
If I have an existing meter, do I need a new one? |
Yes, all existing City-owned meters will be replaced as part of this program. |
Who is performing the work? |
Meter installations will be performed by Neptune Technology Group, an experienced meter installation company. |
How do I recognize my water meter installer? |
Every authorized Neptune installer is uniformed and carries identification, including name, picture, and ID number.
What can I expect at the time of the installation? |
Water meters are installed inside, typically in the basement, where the water service enters the property. The installer will enter the home to install the meter. Water meters are connected by a wire to a transmitter on the outside of the home. The full scope of work will be determined by the installer and communicated to you prior to commencing work. The installation procedure requires 30-90 minutes to complete, during which time the water will be shut off for a brief period. |
How can I prepare for the installation? |
The installer will require a clear walking path to your main water shut-off valve. Please ensure there enough space is available for the installer to kneel down comfortably in front of the valve, with a small tool bag at their side. Your main shut-off valve should be located where the water service comes into your house. Check your main water shut-off valve to make sure it is operable ahead of your appointment. |
Do I need to be present for the installation? |
An adult of at least 18 years of age, preferably the property owner, must be available for the entire appointment. |
Is there a fee at the time of the installation? |
There is no fee for booking and payment information (cash, cheque, credit card, etc.) will not be requested. |
Do I have to pay for the meter? |
All costs for the Water Meter Installation Program will be recovered through the new rate structure starting in 2027. |
My property has multiple units. How many meters will be installed? |
For each water service entering the property, one water meter will be installed. |
Is this a mandatory program? Can I opt out of the installation? |
This is a mandatory program in accordance with By-law 2024-066. A water meter is mandatory at all properties connected to the municipal water service. |
When will the metered rate start? |
All flat rate customers will move to a metered rate in early 2027. |
What changes can I expect to my water bill? |
Following your meter installation, you will continue to be billed your flat rate and your water bill will not immediately change. Starting in early 2027, your water bill will be dependent on your water use as measured by your water meter. You will receive one bill per meter at your property. More information on future water rates and how to prepare for this transition will be shared in 2026. |
How will I know when to book my appointment? |
Installations will be carried out on an area-by-area basis. As installers move into your area, you will receive a letter containing information on how to book and how to prepare for your appointment. |
How will I know when installers will be in my area? |
As installers move into your area, you will receive a letter containing information on how to book and how to prepare for your appointment. |
How do I book an appointment? |
For your convenience, appointments are available Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Within one week of receiving your notice, you can book online with your reference number at watermeterappt.com. Instantly view available appointments and book your preferred time slot. You can also book by phone through the Contact Centre at 1-800-667-4387. Contact Centre hours are Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time. |
How long will the installation take? |
The installation procedure requires 30-90 minutes to complete, during which time the water will be shut off for a brief period. |
When I book my appointment, should I mention my shut-off valve is in a crawl space? |
Yes. When booking, please advise if your main water shut-off valve is located in a crawlspace. |
What if I am a tenant? |
If you are a tenant, please contact the property owner when you receive any letters about the Water Meter Installation Program. |
Can I book an appointment if I haven't received a notice yet? |
No. Installations will be carried out on an area-by-area basis. As installers move into your area, you will receive a letter containing information on how to book your appointment. Please do not contact Neptune until you have received the notice with your booking reference number. |
I received a notice but I already have an appointment scheduled? |
If you have recently booked your appointment with Neptune, please disregard the notice. |
I received a Reminder Notice, what should I do? |
Within one week of receiving this letter, please contact Neptune to book your appointment. If you have recently booked your appointment with Neptune, please disregard this notice. |
I received a door hanger, what should I do? |
Within one week of receiving the door hanger, please contact Neptune to book your appointment. If you have recently booked your appointment with Neptune, please disregard this notice. |
I received a Final Notice, what should I do? |
Upon receipt of this letter, please contact Neptune immediately to book your appointment. A water meter is mandatory at all properties connected to the municipal water service in accordance with By-law 2024-066. Water meters are required If you have recently booked your appointment with Neptune, please disregard this notice. |
I received a Reminder/Final Notice but I already booked an appointment. What should I do? |
If you have recently booked your appointment with Neptune, please disregard this notice. |
Why am I receiving a Final Notice letter? |
Neptune Technology Group, on behalf of the City of Cornwall, has attempted to contact you using various forms of communication to arrange access to your property to have your water meter installed. In all cases, you have not responded to our requests. Participation in the program is mandatory in accordance with By-law 2024-066. |
What happens if no appointment is booked? |
The installation of a water meter at your property is mandatory in accordance with By-law 2024-066. Property owners who do not book an appointment may be subject to penalties, and/or may have the water supply terminated. |
Will an installer ever show up to my home without an appointment? |
If an installer is in your area and an appointment has not yet been scheduled, they may knock on your door and offer to help you book your appointment. If you would like to confirm the installer’s identity, you can call Neptune at 1-800-667-4387. Under no circumstance will an authorized Neptune installer ask you for money. |
If my scheduled changes, is there a penalty if I have to reschedule my appointment? |
If you need to change your appointment, simply go online to watermeterappt.com or call Neptune's Contact Centre at 1-800-667-4387 to reschedule. Contact Centre hours are Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. There is no penalty if your schedule changes. |
What should I look for after the installation? |
While uncommon, it is possible for a leak to occur at the meter. Typically this would happen within the first 24 hours following the installation. Property owners are encouraged to check their meter and contact Neptune if a problem is detected. |
Will an inspector ever show up to my home without an appointment? |
Yes, it is possible. If an installation was conducted at your property, an authorized quality assurance inspector from Neptune or the City's consultant Diameter Services may attempt to knock on your door and offer to do an inspection with no scheduled appointment. If you are uncomfortable with this situation, simply let the inspector know you do not wish to take part in the inspection process. You may request to see the inspector’s identification. |
Who should I contact if I have any concerns? |
Contact Neptune at 1-800-667-4387. |
Who do I contact in an emergency situation? |
For water meter related emergencies, call Neptune at 1-800-667-4387. |
What kind of technical background and training does my technician have? |
All installers are certified and trained to install water meters as per O.Reg. 572/99. |
What is a water meter? How does it differ from a transmitter? |
A water meter is a device that records water consumption. Your water meter is connected to a radio transmitter, which sends consumption information to a remote reading device that collects this data. This information is then used for billing purposes. |
How are water meters read? |
Your water meter is connected to a radio transmitter, which sends consumption information to a remote reading device that collects this data. This information is then used for billing purposes. This advanced technology eliminates the need for a meter reader to enter your property to collect meter readings. |
Is the radio transmitter technology safe? |
Radio transmitters will be installed outside of your home and will not negatively affect your health. The Neptune R900 transmitters being installed comply with Health Canada Safety Codes. Exposure to radio waves from these meters is very minimal and is comparable to a mobile phone or baby monitor, and less than a wi-fi network or microwave. The R900 device transmits for less than one minute per day and only for seven milliseconds at a time. |
When will installations begin? |
Water meter installations will occur on an area-by-area basis starting in December 2024. Please refer to the installation schedule to determine when installations will begin in your area. |
My shut-off valve is located behind drywall. How can I ensure that the shut-off valve is accessible enough to complete the work? |
Neptune installers are trained to cut into drywall neatly and precisely. An access hole is required to install the meter. Once the installation is complete, this hole may be covered using an access panel. |
Who is responsible for maintaining the meter? |
The City is responsible for any future water meter maintenance, provided you, the owner, take reasonable precaution to prevent any damage to it. It is illegal to tamper with the water meter. |
How can I use my water meter to monitor my water use? |
Take a reading at a set time of the day. Take another reading the same time the next day. The difference between the two readings is your 24-hour water consumption. If the red sweep hand is moving when all your fixtures are turned off, you may have a leak. |
Why is conserving water important? |
Reducing the amount of water we use as a community provides social, economical, and environmental benefits. Reduced treatment costs, energy savings, extended life of the treatment plants and underground infrastructure, and fewer opportunities for untreated or partially treated wastewater to be released back to the environment are just a few of the benefits of efficient water use. |
What are some easy ways to conserve water? |
Do you have another question? Send us an email at waterconservation@cornwall.ca.
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