The City of Cornwall's Housing Services division has developed a Ten Year Housing Plan for the City of Cornwall and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. This local Plan is a high level strategic Plan focused on the whole spectrum of housing in our service area that responds to local circumstance and to those specific needs with innovative community-based solutions.

The Housing Services Act, 2011 outlines minimum elements to be included in the Ten Year Housing Plan:

  • An Assessment of current and future housing needs;
  • Objectives and targets relating to those housing needs;
  • Proposed measures to meet the objectives and targets;
  • A description of how progress toward meeting the objectives will be measured.

Other elements that must be considered in the Ten Year Housing Plan are:

  • Consulting the public and community stakeholders during the preparation of the local Plan;
  • Setting a local vision for housing, reflecting the provincial interest;
  • Addressing the full range of housing issues from homelessness to affordable homeownership;
  • Coordination of consistency of planning processes, such as land use planning, planning for other social services, and infrastructure planning.

The Ontario Housing Policy Statement provides direction that Plans are to be coordinated and integrated with all municipalities in the service area.  In this case that includes lower tier municipalities in the six townships plus consultation at the County level.


Under the Housing Services Act, 2011 (Act), Service Managers are required to create, implement and monitor Local Housing and Homelessness Plans and to respond to identified local needs while taking into account the provincial interests and policy directions outlined in the Act and the Ontario Housing Policy Statement.  These Plans had to be in place by January 1, 2014.


In 2000, the City of Cornwall was designated as the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager for the City of Cornwall and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SDG).  These responsibilities are in addition to its traditional role of coordinating and facilitating the provision of housing through planning mechanisms.  As a result the City is now responsible for responding to a wide range of housing needs in the area.


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