Street Lights

With over 5,000 street lights across the City of Cornwall, the municipality appreciates the help of its residents when identifying street lights that are in need of service. The City has contracted Dundas Power Line Ltd. to maintain street lighting.

The most typical type of problem that occurs is a burned out street light. Another common problem is when lights cycle incorrectly, meaning they can either flicker or turn on and off randomly. Some of the other types of issues that come up are when lights do not shut off during the day, poles are damaged or a series of lights are not turning on.

If you encounter a street light that is not in proper working order or is damaged, please contact Dundas Power Line Ltd. at 1-800-566-4165 or by clicking here to email Please be specific about the issue and location, and don't forget to leave your contact information.

Repairs to street lights are prioritized into three categories.

Priority Type Response Time Repair Time Example
1 1 hour without delay An accident where a pole has fallen and has a high risk of causing an unsafe condition.
2 24 hours initiate repairs within 48 hours Three or more lights grouped together than are no longer functioning and may lead to unsafe conditions.
3 5 working days initiate repairs within 5 working days of initial response A single light that is either cycling or burned out.


Traffic Control Signals

Black & McDonald Ltd. is responsible for the maintenance of all traffic control signal equipment within the City of Cornwall. As such, any service calls concerning knocked down traffic signal poles, burned out signals, signal timing problems, turned mast arms/signal heads, damaged or malfunctioning traffic signal equipment, underground traffic signal cable locates at traffic control signal intersections, flasher systems, etc. should be directed to this maintenance contractor.

You can contact Black & McDonald Ltd. at 613-933-8764 or

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Municipal Works
1225 Ontario Street, Box 877, Cornwall ON, K6H 5T9

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