A Rent Supplement is a nominal subsidy paid to the landlord on behalf of a household in need of rental assistance.
Applicants will only be eligible for a maximum subsidy of up to 5 cumulative years – conditional upon funding – and the Applicant continues to qualify.
Do I qualify?
Applicants may be eligible for rent supplement subsidy if:
- They have assets under $50,000 (effective April 1, 2023)
- They meet income requirements are per the current "Household Income Limits (HILS) and their current rent is below the current maximum market amounts
Household Income Limit
- 1 bedroom: $42,000.00
- 2 bedrooms: $49,500.00
- 3 bedrooms: $53,500.00
- 4 bedrooms: $62,500.00
- Income limits are updated periodically in accordance with changes to the household income limits set out in Schedule 2 of Ontario Regulation 370/11 and the average market rents for the City of Cornwall and the Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.
How can I apply?
In order to be added to the call list, applicants must complete an application and submit it to the Human Services Department for review. The application can be accessed here: Apply Now
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Human Services Department at the contact information below.
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