The City offers an overnight parking service, 24-hour parking permits, and day-use permits.

24-hour parking permits

These permits offer 24-hour parking in locations across the City. Please look for signage and consult the interactive map:

Permits are available on a first come first serve basis.

  • Justice Building lot (11 Third Street West)
  • Library lot (24 Third Street East)
  • Melody Music lot (9 First Street West)
  • Warrington Brown lot (39 First Street East)
  • Police Annex lot (342 Montreal Road)
  • Vogue lot (512 Montreal Road)

Permits cost $54.42 for a half-month, $87.07 for one month, $217.67 for three months, $380.92 for six months, and $707.44 for one year. They can be purchased online.

After a significant snow event, vehicles will need to be removed while snow removal takes place from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Buy your 24-hour parking permit online

Day-use parking permits

Day-use parking permits are valid from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.  See interactive map for details.

Permits cost $32.65 for a half-month, $54.42 for one month, $152.36 for three months, $293.86 for six months, and $571.39 for one year. They can be purchased online.

Permits are on a first-come-first-serve basis for the following lots: 

  1. Bingo south lot (25 First Street West),
  2. Library lot (24 Third Street East),
  3. Warrington-Brown lot (39 First Street East), 
  4. Melody Music lot (9 First Street West),
  5. Justice lot (11 Third Street West),
  6. Si Miller lot (229 Water Street East), and
  7. Si Miller Overflow lot (232 Water Street East).

Permits for the Le Village area parking is on a first-come-first-serve basis for the following lots:

  1. Police Annex lot (342 Montreal Road), and
  2. Vogue lot (512 Montreal Road).

If you see that there are no permits left for a certain parking lot, you must choose another lot.

Buy your day-use permit online

Day-Use parking permits are associated with the plate numbers and not transferable from person to person.  However, they can be used for up to two different plates for multiple cars owned by the same permit holder if the plates are registered in the same household at the time of permit purchase. Both cars cannot use the same permit at the same time.

The first time you purchase a permit, you will be asked to create an account with a password. Once you have an account you will be able to self-serve to update your account information. 

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