The Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP), has the ability to assist families in maintaining a permanent residence, rather than face eviction and homelessness.

The following are expenses that may be considered:

  • utility arrears;
  • rental arrears;
  • minor relocation fees (transportation to another municipality);
  • temporary accommodations;
  • moving expenses
 Do I qualify?

Households should have an after-tax household income at or below the Stats Canada Low-Income Measures (LIM).  Internationally, it is the most commonly used tool to measure low income levels. This tool is also more consistently used across agencies.

LIM uses line 236 of the income tax return as the base income level.  Additional deductions from line 236 can also include child care benefits, support payments (made by payer) and RDSP – this produces the net adjust income – which produces the LIM amount for that benefit size.

Low Income Measures Chart
Size of Family1234567
Total House Income less than $27,000 $27,000 to $37,600 $37,600 to $46,100 $46,100 to $53,200  $53,200 to $59,500 $59,500 to $65,100 $65,100 to $70,300


Total household liquid assets must be below Ontario Works asset limits, for the benefit unit size, and total accommodation costs must not exceed 80% of total household income.

There are additional criteria based on the request that you make.

 How can I apply?

Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program Recipients

Applications can be picked up directly at the Housing Access Centre, one of our Ontario Works Offices or online.

Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program Recipients Application link

Please complete the application form and submit with the following information:

  • copies of the bills that you are requesting assistance for (hydro arrears, fuel arrears, rental arrears)
  • 1 estimate from reputable moving companies

Non Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program Recipients

If you are not currently in receipt of Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program, please contact the office below to obtain a different application. 



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