The City of Cornwall is steeped in a rich and diverse history. Originally named New Johnstown, the name was changed to Cornwall in honour of Prince George, the Duke of Cornwall. The City was later incorporated as a town in 1834 and became a city in 1945.

 More on Cornwall's History

Originally settled in 1784 by United Empire Loyalists, the community later served as a garrison town during the War of 1812. Significant chapters in Cornwall’s history were written during the latter half of the 19th century as the town emerged as an important industrial centre in Eastern Ontario. Construction of the Cornwall Canal between 1834-42 provided transportation and water power for the numerous mills and later textile plants which located along the waterfront.

Another period of staggering growth took place between 1921 and 1931, when Cornwall’s population increased by fifty percent. Cornwall’s steady growth continued in the 1950’s with the building of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Construction of the Seaway began on August 10, 1954 and was finalized on Dominion Day, July 1, 1958. Thousands of spectators watched as thirty tons of dynamite were detonated causing the last coffer dam to flood the riverbed and Lake St. Lawrence. This historic event marked the development of the largest international hydro-electric power dam.

For the past several decades, Cornwall’s economy has continued to grow and change. Today, Cornwall is a modern community with a very diverse economy that includes manufacturing, logistics/distribution and service sectors.

The first important influx of francophones into Cornwall and the surrounding area took place between 1870 and 1890, due to the opening of textile and paper mills, and the overall industrialization of the City, with the subsequent availability of employment opportunities. Since then, the francophone community has contributed towards giving the City of Cornwall its unique bilingual character. Cornwall elected its first francophone mayor, Angus Lalonde, in 1904.

To read more about Cornwall's history, visit Choose Cornwall's website. Other useful resources include the Cornwall Community Museum and Heritage-Patrimoine Cornwall.


The following is a list of Designated Heritage Properties in the City of Cornwall. These buildings or structures have architectural or historical value or interest. Click here to request information about these properties.

Designated Heritage Properties
The Cline House 208 Second Street East
The Smart/Fraser House 224 Second Street East
The Wood House 160 Water Street East
Nativity Church 300 Montreal Road
Chesley's Inn 40 First Street West
Stormont Cottages 33 to 43 York Street
Cornwall Grammar School 39 Fourth Street East
St. Columban's Church 40 Fourth Street West
St. Columban's Rectory 36 Fourth Street West
St. Columban's Cemetery 429 Eleventh Street West
Captain MacDonald House 1128-1130 Captain MacDonald Boulevard
Cornwall Public Library 45 Second Street East
Nativity School 146 Chevrier Avenue
United Counties Courthouse and Jail 7 Water Street West
Central Public School 115 Second Street East
Old Baptist Church 130 Sydney Street
Cornwall Street Railway Locomotive #17 southeast corner of Brookdale Avenue and Ninth Street
Port Theatre 132 Montreal Road


The following is a list of Non-Designated Heritage Properties in the City of Cornwall. These properties exhibit elements of cultural heritage that have been deemed valuable by Heritage-Patrimoine Cornwall in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act.

Non-Designated Heritage Properties

24 Adolphus Street

1875 the Young house

111 Adolphus Street

1870  Gothic Revival style, the Bissett house

121-125 Adolphus Street

1860 Italian villa style with some Queen Anne features, home built from materials of the old St. John’s Presbyterian Church including tower

221-223-225 Augustus Street


2 Belmont Street

  South of Second St. former Classical College? Was priest’s residence, now St. Lawrence College

1730 Cornwall Centre Road

  Original Mullin farm and stone house

703 Cotton Mill Street

1873 First mill in Canada to introduce electric lighting. Former Canada Cotton Mill, known now as Weave Shed, Edison building

50-52 Cumberland Street

1889  former Masson home- Frank Masson-blacksmith- L shaped 1 1/2 Storey frame dwelling with front verandah and rear wing, part of Beaconsfield

102 Cumberland Street

pre-1915  Alex Laflesh- carpenter- Beaconsfield, Structure exhibits a more prominent architectural style and building materials compared to other houses in the area. Verandah wraps around front façade.

540 Cumberland Street

  Woodlawn Cemetery, Historic Cemetery, 1889 land purchased for new cemetery

14-16 Edward Street

1895 Typical mill housing, former Bourget home

39-41 Edward Street

  Home of cotton mill workers, unusual brick pattern on façade above front entrance

201 Eleventh Street East

1913 Former House of Refuge, Heartwood, Nursing home

33 Fifth Street East

1873 Former residence of Duncan Monroe (Cedar Brae)

42 Fifth Street East

1896 Canadian Inventory of Historic Buildings complete

47 Fifth Street East

1936 Munroe cottage, property purchased from Duncan Munroe

105 Fifth Street East

1870 Canadian Inventory of Historic Buildings Complete

9 First Street East

1860  Long established business; one of the oldest in Cornwall, damage to structure (October 2014) Renovated 2015

33 First Street East

Circa 1820 Former Wood home, former hotel and post office

100 Block (even number) of First Street East

1880 Peggy Bruce Home

125-127 First Street East

1860  former Andrew Hodge house, mill owner and civic leader

205 First Street East

Circa 1880  Canadian Inventory of Historic Buildings complete, architectural summary included, Queen Anne Style, no title search included, former home of Joseph Chevrier (father of Lionel)

232 First Street East

Circa 1860 former home of James Leitch, Canadian inventory of Historic Buildings complete, Georgian revival style

238 First Street East

Circa 1875  Former home of Judge O’Reilly, Canadian inventory of Historic Buildings complete, architectural summary included, Italianate –Queen Anne Style

302 First Street East

Circa 1840 Anderson home, Canadian inventory of Historic Buildings complete

506 First Street East

  Former Anglican Church of Good Sheppard, Now Boys and Girls Club

512-518 First Street East

1880 Church of Good Sheppard homes

505 Fourth Street East

1938  Cornwall Armoury, Federal Designation, Recognized Register of the Government of Canada Heritage Buildings. Architect: Charles D. Sutherland
7 Gloucester Street Circa 1860  Canadian Inventory of Historic Buildings completed
16 Gloucester Street Circa 1885 Canadian Inventory of Historic Buildings completed,
1109 Gretchen Crescent  1920  Former residence of the House of Refuge caretaker
1117 Gretchen Crescent 1920  former residence of House of Refuge caretaker
1110-1120 Kirkman Court 1925 Former Courtaulds cottages
21 Lennox Lane 1935  Former Patenaude Home, Gladstone village
39-41 Lennox Street  Circa 1920-1934  Former Lalonde Home
42-46 Marlborough Street South Circa 1880  Boomtown Front House, owned in 1890 by Henry King a mill operative
107 Marlborough Street (506 First Street East) Circa 1900   Parish of the Church of the Good Sheppard
128 Marlborough Street North Circa 1920  Royal Manor Rest Home, former Marlborough Tourist Home
840 McConnell Avenue  1955 Former Hotel Dieu Hospital run by the RHSJ evolved from York St. site
1-9 Montreal Road   Dr. Bergin’s home
135 Montreal Road   1887 Peter McCullough, yeoman to Henry Doyle, mill operative; current building circa 1956
171 Montreal Road  1940 The Lavigne Block
325 Montreal Road  1928  1920 – Owner Joseph Pitre, Loom fixer
331-333 Montreal Road 1946 1919 – conveyed from Frank Leroux merchant to Louis Brunet Cotton Mill overseer
369 Montreal Road 1900 1888- Alexander McCracken, a butcher, sold to Robert Ferrie, a dyer; Census link to Ferrie
400-406 Montreal Road 1946  Edifice Lefebvre
500 Montreal Road   Edifice Lefebvre
837 Montreal Road  Circa 1980 Riverside Restaurant – Karabatsos Family
1150 Montreal Road 1924 Plant buildings demolished, office building remains; first plant in Canada to produce viscose
1173-1193 Montreal Road 1925  Cottage housing for workers situated across the road
1800 Montreal Road 1929 Bishop’s residence
1810 Montreal Road   East Front Public School
1950 Montreal Road 1850 architectural integrity, environmental significance and historical associations.
3350 Montreal Road 1816 Built by fur trader John McDonald of Garth
44 Pitt Street 1934 Constructed to house the newly amalgamated newspapers (The Standard-Conservative/The Freeholder-Liberal) Mural
52-54 Pitt Street 1894 Owned by William Skeith 1894-1930
58-62 Pitt Street 1907 Owner local merchant George McDonnell, Italianate style
100-106 Pitt Street 1822 Property traced back to 1822- owned by Phillip Vankoughnet. Webbers book and stationery store. Monroe Loyal Orange Lodge #880
101-105 Pitt Street 1880  Former Johnson building
107-109 Pitt Street 1880 Historic building
108-118 Pitt Street 1879 Campbell block
111-113 Pitt Street 1891 Liddell block, decorative cornices accented by heavy brackets, awnings, lintels and sills and the original overhang design. Building name and date still visible on top level.
115-119 Pitt Street 1847 Former Eaton’s of Canada location in 1963, virtually nothing remains of the original style, except the 5 set bay windows, third floor was removed.
122-128 Pitt Street    Miller block, former T. Eaton Co. Ltd., Peoples store, International Style. No historic ornament is apparent due to aluminum cladding on majority of façade.
130 Pitt Street  1906 Part of Stormont block. No historic ornament apparent.
132-134 Pitt Street 1884 Property traced back to 1884, owned by Robert Brown
135-137 Pitt Street 1879  Owned by Snetsinger family since 1879
139-141 Pitt Street 1936  Historic building
145 Pitt Street 1896 Clark family operated shoe store from 1896-2012
150 Pitt Street 1899  Property traced back to 1899-owners John and George McPhee
155-157 Pitt Street 1890 The estate of Richard Larmour owned the property from 1899-1919 operated as dry goods store
156-162 Pitt Street 1834  1834-1920 Cline family, 1907-1959 Yates family
159 Pitt Street 1823  Bank of Montreal since 1912. Simple vernacular form of Beaux-Arts Classicism. Former location of St. John’s Presbyterian Church from 1826-1889
163-167 Pitt Street 1883 L.E. Bailey operated jewelry store from 1883
164-168 Pitt Street 1883 1883-1920 Colquhoun family, 1920-1979 Jacob family
170 Pitt Street 1900 Formerly part of Colquhoun Block
206-208 Pitt Street 1888 Former Royal Bank of Canada
210-228 Pitt Street Circa 1887 Glengarry Block
213-217 Pitt Street 1885 Kyte family operated store since 1910
221-225 Pitt Street 1924 1948-1954 Imperial Bank of Canada
227-231 Pitt Street 1921 1921-1979 owners Robino family
240-246 Pitt Street Circa 1934 1933-1985 property belonged to Salhany family
239-241 Pitt Street 1924 1925-1952 Kavanagh family
245 Pitt Street 1919 1923-1964 Mary Ann Duffy and family
248 Pitt Street 1925 1928-1989 bakery owned by William and Ida Riley. Continues to house a bakery
249 Pitt Street 1910 former Bell Canada Building from 1910-1978
251-257 Pitt Street 1916 former Wonderland Theatre prior to construction of Palace Theatre 1921
254-266 Pitt Street 1940 1898-1986 estate of Colonel Roderick McLennan
268-272 Pitt Street 1920 property owned by Donald J. Gillies from 1897 until 1917
2065 Pitt Street 1900 Eamer/ MacDonell House
1891 Power Dam Drive 1910 Blackadder Home
10, 16, 18, 22 Race Street 1875 Canal Homes
6 Second Street East 1930 Pommier Jewellers
16 Second Street East   Former Cornwall Street Railway Office
28 Second Street East 1888 Third home of congregation dating back to 1787; ministered by Reverend John Bethune, Reverend Hugh Urquhart, designed by Sydney R. Badgley.
42 Second Street East 1895 Cornwall Club, Historical significance
136 Second Street East 1931 home was owned by several prominent citizens of Cornwall
138 Second Street East   Second Street Study, origins similar to 136 Second Street East
211 Second Street East 1890 Park Residence
217 Second Street East 1848 Former Grant home, former residence of Mary Mack
223 Second Street East 1909 former McDiarmid home and home to predominant Cornwallites
229 Second Street East 1899 J.G. Harkness home
233 Second Street East 1890 former residence of predominant Cornwallites like Urquhart, Mattice, Pitt
305 Second Street East 1874 owned by several predominant Cornwallites
340 Second Street East 1867 former Mack House
428 Second Street East 1890 former Liddel Home
510 Second Street East 1947 Cornwall General Hospital
702 Second Street East 1910 Architecturally significant, Upper Canada Mortgages
11-17 Second Street West   The Standard Block
44 Second Street West 1922 former Cline business, insurance agent, 1912-1944
46 Second Street West 1922 housed Monroe and Cottrell Insurance co.
117 Second Street West 1869 Congregation dates back to 1787, John Strachan Memorial Church
212 Second Street West   Armstrong property
214 Second Street West 1937 Strathcona Apartments; land owned by many prominent Cornwallites
216 Second Street West 1930 architectural significant, former home of Saul Horovitz
228 Second Street West 1880 predominant land or home owners, Solomon Chesley, Bagg, Kervin, McDonell
310 Second Street West 1937 property owned by MacLennan’s
328 Second Street West 1910 Charles Cline House, former MacLennan House
329 Second Street West 1915 former tourist home
338 Second Street West 1910 former MacHaffie Home
415 Second Street West 1880 former Stormont Mill’s supervisors’ house, Royal Canadian Legion
418 Second Street West 1891 former Empy House
800 Second Street West 1883 Former Howard Smith Paper Mill
810 Second Street West   Former Domtar Forestry Office
830 Second Street West   former New York Central Railroad Hotel (The National)
1125 Second Street West   former Government Home, Girouette home
2500, 2500B Second Street West    R.H. Saunders Power Generating System
35 Seymour Avenue 1896-1905 approximately

census data available on Loucks family owners. L-shaped, 1 1/2 story wood frame dwelling depicts common vernacular architecture of the late 1800’s

46 Seymour Avenue 1891 census data available on McCann family owners. L-shaped, 1 1/2 story wood frame dwelling depicts common vernacular style of the late 1800’s.
48 and 48 1/2 Seymour Avenue 1896-1905 approximately census data available on McNichol family owners. L-shaped, 1 1/2 story wood frame dwelling with rear extension
61 and 63 Seymour Avenue 1903-1905 approximately census data available on Laflesh family owners. Double residential, 2 story brick building, having rectangular L shaped plan
16 Smith Avenue 1872 census data available on Emerson family owners. L shaped one 1/2 story wood frame dwelling that has retained several original features including the tin roof and front verandah
101 and 103 Sydney Street 1909-1916 former Eamer Home,
102 and 104 Sydney Street 1912-1916 former Johnson Home
107 and 109 Sydney Street 1909-1916 property owned by John M. Eamer
110 Sydney Street Circa 1880 property purchased by Louisa Alguire in 1884, property purchased by Knox Presbyterian church and used as a church manse
116 Sydney Street 1880 former French Presbyterian Church
219 Sydney Street 1891 1890 owned by Joseph G. Kilgour
225 Sydney Street 1887 property owned by Mark Hermiston
226 Sydney Street 1890 property belonged to McDonell family; house was constructed elsewhere and transported to its current location on Sydney Street
229 Sydney Street 1896-1906 The Ross Construction Company built this dwelling for Gordon R. Phillips
235 Sydney Street 1889 former Wallace House
237 Sydney Street 1887 property purchased by George W. Armstrong in 1887
240 Sydney Street 1891-1895 former McDonnell Home
241 Sydney Street 1891 property purchased in 1886 by James Nugent
303 Sydney Street 1846-1862 former Dr. Roderick McDonald house
304 Sydney Street 1887 Henry Webber house, owned bookstore
316 Sydney Street 1882-1891 former Dunkin home
321 and 323 Sydney Street 1925 former Smith home
322 Sydney Street 1916 former Dunkin family home
325 Sydney Street 1888-1891 former Grant boarding house
329 Sydney Street 1900 former Kingsley home
341 and 345 Sydney Street   former Dr. Aber and Primeau home
342 Sydney Street circa 1917-1938 former Monk home
406 Sydney Street 1935 former Atkinson home
410 Sydney Street circa 1935 former Phillips home
418 Sydney Street circa 1922 the Ambrose Mulhern House
426 Sydney Street 1890 former McDonell home
430 Sydney Street 1890-1891 former Derouchie home, originally two storey, eight bedroom frame dwelling
434 Sydney Street 1886-1906 one of the Monroe cottages
437 Sydney Street 1956 Cornwall High School
515 and 517 Sydney Street 1957 former Rousseau home
516 Sydney Street 1937 former Ross-Ross home
520 Sydney Street 1937 Monroe cottage
521 Sydney Street 1952 former Battista House
540 Sydney Street 1952 Monroe Cottage
548 Sydney Street 1941 former Donihee home
101 Third Street West 1897 Big Brothers & Sisters
735 Tollgate Road West 1885 former Gravely Farm House
422 and 422A Victoria Avenue 1890 former Cunningham home
100 Block (even numbers) Water Street West   former Augustus Street swing bridge location
240 Water Street West 1900 former Canal Superintendent’s home, now RCAFA building, designed by Thomas S. Scot, Architect
401-403 Water Street West 1896 former Fitzpatrick home
300 Block (even numbers) Water Street West   Eco-Gardens
8 William Street 1880 former Cotton Mill worker’s home
26 William Street   former Cotton Mill Manager’s home
52-54 William Street 1890 former mill worker’s home
56 William Street 1890 former mill worker’s home
14 York Street 1851 St. Joseph’s Villa
847 York Street 1954 former St. John Bosco Parish




phone icon Contact Us

Kevin Lajoie
Tourism Coordinator
100 Water Street East, Box 877, Cornwall ON, K6H 5T9
T.: 613-930-2787 ext. 3547
F.: 613-933-0745
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