This section of the website provides access to notices, reports and other documents that pertain to infrastructure projects in the City of Cornwall. Please scroll down the page to view the available documents.
Ongoing Municipal Class Environmental Assessments
- Cornwall Brookdale Avenue from Seventh Street to Fourteenth Street Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
- Cornwall Business Park Road Corridor and Sanitary Service Extension Municipal Class Environmental Assessments
Completed Municipal Class Environmental Assessments and Master Plans
Fennell Crescent Sewage Pumping Station Rehabilitation Environmental Assessment |
Components of the Fennell Crescent Pumping Station are physically reaching the end of their useful service life, its control and communication system do not comply with the City of Cornwall’s Sewage Pumping Station Design Standards, and steps to rehabilitate the facility are required to prevent further basement flooding in residential homes within the catchment area. |
Brookdale Avenue North Sanitary Sewer Extension Environmental Assessment |
The City of Cornwall provides wastewater collection and treatment services to properties within its municipal boundaries. It has been identified that the Brookdale Avenue North Area, between Tollgate Road and Cornwall Centre Road, would benefit from sanitary services. The City has determined that a single sewage pumping station solution is the preferred solution to provide servicing to this area. |
Lemay Street and Municipal Works Yard Environmental Assessment (2015) |
Two planning projects that are in the same neighbourhood are being undertaken concurrently. The city has retained AECOM consulting engineers to conduct an environmental assessment for the improvement and extension of Lemay Street from Pitt Street to McConnell Avenue and Municipal Works Yard redevelopment. Lemay Street The existing corridor of Lemay Street from Sydney Street to Ontario Street is poor and lacks accommodation for pedestrians or other forms of active transportation. As well, extension of Lemay Street towards McConnell Avenue is identified in the City's official plan, and a recent critical infrastructure study recommended implementing this extension as a means to provide better access for municipal works equipment and materials, particularly under emergency conditions. Undertaken as a schedule B municipal class environmental assessment planning process, the project will review technical requirements, environmental impacts, community and other stakeholder input, and ultimately provide a recommended design for this corridor. Municipal YardSome of the municipal works yard buildings are deficient in terms of structure, function and/or efficiency. In addition, there is inadequate storage for road salt and some equipment. Before new buildings can be constructed, a master plan is required to identify an orderly site layout that can enable redevelopment to occur over a period of years or possibly decades. This planning process will conform to Schedule A+ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. Project Public Consultation
Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (2010) |
Click here to read the Active Transportation - Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. |
Marleau Ave. Environmental Assessment |
Business Park North Roadway Extension to Tollgate Road |
Nick Kaneb Drive Extension from Marleau Ave. to Tenth St. |
Contact Us
Enrique Kamm
Transportation Engineer
1225 Ontario Street, Box 877, Cornwall ON, K6H 5T9
T.: 613-930-2787 ext. 2231
F.: 613-932-8891
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