Construction Notices

Paving Notice - 2023-10-18
Milling Notice - 2023-10-16

Resurfacing Notice - 2023-09-28

Project Contact

Benjamin Sinfield - Project Supervisor

Phone : 613-662-5731

Email this contact


2023 Lancaster Crescent Resurfacing Map


The City will be rehabilitating Lancaster Crescent, from Champlain Street to Champlain Street. The Contractor completing the work on behalf of the City is Cornwall Gravel Company Limited.

2023 Lancaster presentation Drawing 

Click to View the Open House Presentation Drawing 

What to Expect During Construction

The work on your street includes:

  1. Milling the Roadway (Removing the top layer of asphalt)
  2. Various Sewer Repairs
  3. Replacing Covers on Existing Maintenance Holes and Catchbasins
  4. Replacing Small Sections of Curbs and Sidewalks
  5. Paving the Roadway (Placing new asphalt)
  6. Restoration (New Topsoil & Sod and Repairing Driveways/Walkways where necessary)

Before the work starts, you may see utility companies (Enbridge, Bell, etc.) on your street. They are moving infrastructure they own to accommodate the work. If you have any service disruptions, please contact them directly.

As part of this project, the Contractor will be removing the top layer of asphalt on your roadway using what's called a milling machine. The machine grinds up the old asphalt into very small pieces that look like granular (gravel). From there, it's transported to a different location and reused. This year, the old asphalt is being used on the paths at Guindon Park.

The City will be replacing catch basins and storm sewer pipes to improve drainage on your street. Frames and covers on existing maintenance holes and catchbasins are also being replaced if they are broken or no longer meet City standards. Others will be adjusted if they are too low or too high. Replacing and adjusting covers improves both drainage and the rideability of the roadway.

There may be days where you don't see the Contractor on site between the different stages (1-6). This is a normal part of the process. The Contractor has different crews that do different types of work.

The Contractor will be replacing small sections of curb or sidewalks that are in very poor condition. They will also add tactile walking surface indicators at the end of sidewalks. This helps people with low or no vision know they are close to the road.

There may be times where you don't have access to your driveway. For example, if curb or sidewalk in front of your house is being replaced, you will not be able to park in your driveway when it is being formed and poured. We will do our best to let you know ahead of time. Once the concrete hardens (usually after two or three days), you will be able to use your driveway again.

After the other work is complete, the Contractor will pave your roadway with 50mm of new asphalt. By removing and replacing the top layer of asphalt (and fixing drainage issues), the lifespan of your roadway increases.

The City anticipates that it may be necessary to close the road for short periods of time, so that the Contractor is able to work safely. There may also be times where you won't have access to your driveway during construction. The City will make every effort to ensure that it's restored as quickly as possible. Pedestrian access to homes and businesses will always be available during construction.

If you have any concerns, please give us a call or e-mail us using the contact information provided on this page.

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Paving Notice - 2023-10-18
Milling Notice - 2023-10-16

Resurfacing Notice - 2023-09-28

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