Construction Notices


Project Contact

Kyle McIntosh - Project Supervisor

Phone : 613-362-5369

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Image of 2021 McKenzie Street and Pitt Street Sewer Replacement 


The City will be replacing the sanitary sewer on Pitt Street from McKenzie Street for 140m northerly in 2021. The existing sewer is located on the west side of the road and the new sewer will be installed in the same location. The project also involves milling and paving the entire road platform.

The project involves replacing and upsizing the existing sanitary sewer to increase the capacity. Why is upsizing the pipe to allow for an increased capacity important? Because additional service laterals can connected to the system, which in turn allows for new developments in the area. When existing sewers are in need of repair/replacement, the City will often upsize the infrastructure to increase capacity.

What to Expect During Construction

The project will involve the following work/stages:

1. Excavation

2. Removal of the existing sewer

3. Installation of the new sanitary sewer (including the connection of sewer laterals.

4. Milling and paving the roadway where it was removed as part of construction.  

5. Restoration - includes new topsoil and sod and the repair of driveways and walkways.

Before the work starts, you may see utility companies (Enbridge, Bell, etc.) on your street. They are moving infrastructure they own to accommodate the work. If you have any service disruptions, please contact them directly.

Construction may affect your water supply for a short time if we have to move your water service. Sometimes, unexpected events happen, like watermain breaks. When that happens, we cannot provide notice. We will work to restore your water service as quickly as possible.

There may be days where you don't see the Contractor on site in between the different stages of construction. This is a normal part of the process. The Contractor has many crews that do different types of work.

The Contractor may block your driveway during construction. They will do their best to keep these disruptions short. You will always be able to access your home and local businesses by foot. If you have any access needs, please contact the City.

If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call or e-mail us using the contact information on this page. 

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