Construction Notices

Concrete Works Notice - November 1

Disruption of Water Service - November 1

Detour Notice - October 18

Concrete Works Notice - October 13

Disconnection of Temporary Water Supply on October 12

Connection to Temporary Water Supply on September 22

Notice: Anticipated Project Start on July 26

Connection to Temporary Water Supply on August 11

Project Contact

Nathan Guindon - Project Supervisor

Phone : 613-551-4440

Email this contact


Image of 2021 Sydney Street Reconstruction


The City will be reconstructing Sydney Street between Fifth Street and Seventh Street in 2021.

The project includes rebuilding the road corridor (new pavement, curbs, sidewalks) and the installation of a new water, storm and sanitary sewer mains.

The project involves the separation of the existing combined sewer(s). Sewer separation involves replacing the existing sewer (which includes both storm and sanitary flows) and installing separate pipe networks for storm and sanitary flows. When combined sewers are separated, it reduces the flow of rainwater into the sewage system and the Wastewater Treatment Plant. This reduces basement flooding because there is less water flowing into the pipes that are connected to homes. It also reduces the possibility of water bypassing the Wastewater Treatment Plant and going into the St. Lawrence River. 

What to Expect During Construction

The project will involve the following work/stages:

  1. Installation of a temporary watermain in the boulevard
  2. Installation of temporary water services from the watermain to your outdoor taps.
  3. Connecting residences to the temporary water supply.
  4. Excavation
  5. Installation of new water, storm and sanitary sewer mains.
  6. Removal of the existing watermain and combined sewer(s).
  7. Installation of new water services and sewer laterals.
  8. Grading and placing granular for a new road base.
  9. Installation of new curbs and sidewalks (forming and pouring).
  10. Paving the new roadway (includes three layers of asphalt; two installed in 2021, and the third in 2022).
  11. Restoration - includes new topsoil and sod and the repair of driveways and walkways.

Before the work starts, you will see utility companies (Enbridge, Bell, etc.) on your street. They are moving infrastructure they own to accommodate the work. If you have any service disruptions, please contact them directly.

There will be times when the water supply is disrupted. This is because the water has to be off in order to connect/disconnect residents to the temporary water supply so that the new watermain can be installed. The Contactor will send out notices twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the water being turned off.

Sometimes, unexpected events happen, like watermain breaks. When that happens, we cannot provide notice. We will work to restore your water service as quickly as possible.

There may be days where you don't see the Contractor on site in between the different stages of construction. This is a normal part of the process. The Contractor has many crews that do different types of work.

While the sidewalk and curbs are being formed and poured, you will not be able to park in your driveway. We will let you know ahead of time. Once the concrete hardens (usually after two or three days), you will be able to use your driveway again.

The Contractor may block your driveway during construction. They will do their best to keep these disruptions short. You will always be able to access your home and local businesses by foot. If you have any access needs, please contact the City.

If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call or e-mail us using the contact information on this page.

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 Disruption of Water Service

Please be advised that due to construction work on Sydney Street, your water service will be disrupted for several hours on Monday, November 1, 2021, at 8 a.m.

Please make any necessary arrangements you may require, to prepare for the disruption. We anticipate that your water service will be reinstated before 6:00 PM provided that there are no unforeseen circumstances.

Occasionally, some minor problems can occur after the water supply is reinstated.

  • If water shows discoloration, run the water until it clears.
  • If sputtering occurs, turn on every hot and cold faucet to remove air pockets from the water supply.      
  • If flow at a faucet is less than usual, remove the screen from the faucet, remove any obstructions and reinstall it.                          

We apologize for this inconvenience. Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the project team below.

Please note that work will only take place if weather permits; the ‘Disruption of Water Service’ will be rescheduled for the following business day if the work is postponed as a result of inclement weather.

Malyon Foreman: Jacques Vallee, 613-551-0383

City of Cornwall Project Supervisor: Nathan Guindon, 613-551-4440

Municipal Works: 613-932-5354

 Concrete Works Notice
Please note that vehicle access to driveways/entrances will be restricted for five (5) to seven (7) days, beginning: Monday November 1, 2021 at 7 a.m.

Vehicles must be moved to allow for the construction of new concrete curbs and sidewalks. Please ensure that all vehicles are out of your driveway and off the street by 7 a.m.

Vehicles left on the street after 7 a.m. will be towed if they interfere with the work.

It is important to be cautious when crossing new curbs and/or sidewalk. Please do not step on any concrete unless you can confirm that it has hardened. Stepping in fresh concrete can damage clothing and/or footwear.  

Please note that pedestrian access to residences will always be available. 

We apologize for this inconvenience. Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the project team below.

Malyon Foreman: Jacques Vallee, 613-551-0383

City of Cornwall Project Supervisor: Nathan Guindon, 613-551-4440

Municipal Works: 613-932-5354

Detour Notice - October 18

detour map for sydney street closurePlease be advised that the intersection of Sydney Street at Seventh Street will be closed to traffic beginning Monday October 18, 2021.

The road will be closed to accommodate construction activities that are taking place as part of the reconstruction of Sydney Street between Fifth Street and Seventh Street. Please see the detour route below for alternate access routes. We appreciate your patience during construction.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the individuals listed below.

Malyon Foreman: Jacques Vallee, 613-551-0383

City of Cornwall Project Supervisor: Nathan Guindon, 613-551-4440

Municipal Works: 613-932-5354

 Concrete Works Notice - October 13

Please note that vehicle access to driveways/entrances will be restricted for five to seven days, beginning Wednesday October 13, 2021 at 7 am.

Vehicles must be moved to allow for the construction of new concrete curbs and sidewalks. Please ensure that all vehicles are out of your driveway and off the street by 7 a.m.

Vehicles left on the street after 7 a.m. will be towed if they interfere with the work.

It is important to be cautious when crossing new curbs and/or sidewalk. Please do not step on any concrete unless you can confirm that it has hardened. Stepping in fresh concrete can damage clothing and/or footwear.  

Please note that pedestrian access to residences will always be available. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the individuals listed below.

Malyon Foreman: Jacques Vallee, 613-551-0383

City of Cornwall Project Supervisor: Nathan Guindon, 613-551-4440

Municipal Works: 613-932-5354

 Disconnection of Temporary Water Supply - October 12

The temporary water supply is expected to be shut off on Tuesday October 12, 2021. All residences will be switched over from the temporary water supply back to the municipal water system.  

The Contractor will be going door to door once the temporary water supply has been turned off. They will be connecting each property to the municipal water system. If you will not be home at the time specified above, please follow the instructions below:

  • Close small valve situated on the “Y” adapter attached to your outside tap to point away from your outside tap (see diagram).
  • Close your outside garden tap by turning the tap clockwise.
  • Turn on your main waterline supply valve (usually located in the basement towards front of the house).
  • Open your cold water tap on your bathtub and let it run for 5-7 minutes

If you still do not have water please call 613-551-0383 and a representative will walk you through the steps to turn your water on. They will be able to assist you if required.

Connection to Temporary Water Supply - September 22

Please be advised that water supply to properties between Cornwallis and Seventh Street will be interrupted for a short period of time on Wednesday September 22, 2021.

The water distribution system will be shut off to complete a switchover from the municipal water system to the temporary water supply. Throughout the duration of the project, a temporary water system will supply all properties with water. This system will connect to your house using a piping system connected to the outdoor tap.

The Contractor will be going door to door once the municipal water supply is turned off. They will be connecting each property to the temporary water system. If you aren’t home while the conversion is taking place, please follow the instructions below:

  • Shut off the interior water supply valve to your property. This is usually located in the basement towards the front of a house.
  • Open the outdoor tap by turning the tap counterclockwise.
  • Open the small valve situated on the “Y” adapter attached to the tap and point it towards your outside tap (refer to second photo).
  • Open the cold water tap on a bathtub (or kitchen faucet) and allow the water to run for 5 - 10 minutes.

The installation of the temporary water supply may result in minor water service issues. This may cause reduced pressure and increased water temperature. If your water is warm, run your taps until the water is cold. If you are having any issues, contact one of the individuals below. A representative will be able to help.

Malyon Foreman: Jacques Vallee, 613-551-0383

City of Cornwall Project Supervisor: Nathan Guindon, 613-551-4440

Municipal Works: 613-932-5354

Connection to Temporary Water Supply - August 11

Please be advised that your water supply will be interrupted for a short period of time on Wednesday August 11, 2021

The water distribution system will be shut off to complete a switchover from the municipal water system to the temporary water supply. Throughout the duration of the project, a temporary water system will supply all properties with water. This system will connect to your house using a piping system connected to the outdoor tap.

The Contractor will be going door to door once the municipal water supply is turned off. They will be connecting each property to the temporary water system. If you aren’t home while the conversion is taking place, please follow the instructions below:

  • Shut off the interior water supply valve to your property. This is usually located in the basement towards the front of a house.
  • Open the outdoor tap by turning the tap counterclockwise.
  • Open the small valve situated on the “Y” adapter attached to the tap and point it towards your outside tap (refer to second photo).
  • Open the cold water tap on a bathtub (or kitchen faucet) and allow the water to run for 5 - 10 minutes.

The installation of the temporary water supply may result in minor water service issues. This may cause reduced pressure and increased water temperature. If your water is warm, run your taps until the water is cold. If you are having any issues, contact one of the individuals below. A representative will be able to help.

 Notice: Anticipated Project Start on July 26

The City of Cornwall will be undertaking the reconstruction of Sydney St from Fifth St to Seventh St. This project is part of the Council approved 2021 Capital Budget.

Work Details:

  • At the onset of construction, you should expect to see the Contractor bring equipment on-site and prepare work areas; you may also see paint marks on the roadway and flags in the boulevard which indicate the location of any buried infrastructure (gas mains, electrical, sewers, etc.).
  • The Contractor will then install a temporary water supply system and attach the system to your residence/property. Residents should expect a short-duration disruption to the water supply when switching over to the temporary water system. Notices will be sent to all residences prior to the disruption.
  • Excavation of the road to install underground infrastructure (watermain, sanitary sewer and storm sewer) will take place and the Contractor will begin rebuilding the roadway as they proceed up the road
  • Sanitary Sewer laterals and Water Services will be replaced from the Sewer and Watermain to property line.
  • Lastly, the Contractor will remove the temporary water supply piping and restore all work areas with asphalt, concrete or grass. residents will again experience a short-term disruption to the water supply but will be notified prior to the disruption. 
  • You may experience dust, noise and other inconveniences as a result of construction activities. The City and Contractor will make every effort to minimize impacts to residents as much as possible - we appreciate your patience during construction.
  • Property owners are responsible for the removal of items located within City property limits (boulevard) – such as landscaping and or decorative objects before work begins. If you have sprinklers systems within the boulevard, please contact the City’s Project Supervisor. The City will not be responsible for damage to any privately owned items on City property.
  • Property owners are reminded of the City policy which states that no road cuts be permitted for at least 10 years after full depth reconstruction of a street”. If any new or upgrading of services or utilities are anticipated, they should be completed prior to or in conjunction with this tender. Please contact the Project Supervisor if you are considering new/upgraded services

Malyon Foreman: Jacques Vallee, 613-551-0383

Malyon Supervisor: Chris Malyon, 613-330-3771

City of Cornwall Project Supervisor: Nathan Guindon, 613-551-4440

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