Construction Notices


Construction Notice 

Project Contact

Kyle McIntosh - Project Supervisor

Phone : 613-362-5369

Email this contact


Image of 2021 Boals Drain at Benny Avenue 


The City will be replacing the culvert crossing at Boals Drain on Benny Avenue in 2021.

The project involves removing the three (3) existing corrugated steel pipe (CSP) culverts and replacing it with a concrete box culvert.

The existing culverts are in very poor condition and need to be replaced. As a result of poor soil conditions in the area, a helical pile foundation must be installed beneath the new box culvert. The helical piles (also known as screw anchors or screw piles) transfer the weight of the box culvert, onto the pile instead of the soil. The project also involves relocating the watermain beneath the existing culverts.

What to Expect During Construction

The project will involve the following work/stages:

  1. Setting up by-pass pumps and sediment and erosion control measures. These measures protect fish and wildlife. Fun fact - work in streams isn't permitted between March - July 15th of each year to protect spawning fish.
  2. Excavation and removal of the existing culverts.
  3. Installation of a new helical pile foundation.
  4. Installation of the new concrete box culvert.
  5. Relocation of the existing watermain.
  6. Restoration - includes new topsoil and sod and the repair of driveways and walkways.

Before the work starts, you may see utility companies (Enbridge, Bell, etc.) on your street. They are moving infrastructure they own to accommodate the work. If you have any service disruptions, please contact them directly.

There may be days where you don't see the Contractor on site in between the different stages of construction. This is a normal part of the process. The Contractor has many crews that do different types of work.

If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call or e-mail us using the contact information on this page. 

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 Construction Notice

 Anticipated start: July 12

The City of Cornwall will be undertaking the removal of 22m of 3 – 1.12m x 1.63m SPCSP culverts and the installation of 32m of 1.2m high x 3m wide concrete box culvert complete with a pile foundation on Benny Ave this summer. This project is part of the Council approved 2020 Capital Budget.

Work Details:

  • At the onset of construction, you should expect to see the Contractor bring equipment on-site and prepare work areas; you may also see paint marks on the roadway and flags in the boulevard which indicate the location of any buried infrastructure (gas mains, electrical, sewers, etc.).
  • The Contractor will be closing Benny Ave from Eva Avenue to Ellen Avenue
  • The Contractor will be removing the old culvert and/or sewer pipes and replacing with new culverts and/or sewer pipes.
  • The Contractor will replace any concrete curbs or asphalt roadways when the new culvert replacement is completed.

What to Expect During Construction

  • You may experience dust, noise and other inconveniences as a result of construction activities. The City and Contractor will make every effort to minimize impacts to residents as much as possible - we appreciate your patience during construction.
  • Property owners are reminded of the City policy which states that no road cuts be permitted for at least 5 years after resurfacing of a street. If any new or upgrading of services or utilities are anticipated, they should be completed prior to or in conjunction with the work. Please contact the Project Supervisor if you are considering new/upgraded services.

Project Supervisor: Kyle McIntosh - 613-362-5369

City of Cornwall Dispatch: 613-932-5354

Clarence McDonald Excavation Ltd: 613-932-4494

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