The City of Cornwall has several construction projects planned for 2021, as per the budget approved by council. The list below is subject to change, and completion dates are tentative. Reconstructions, upgrades, and improvements are essential investments to ensure the quality of our infrastructure for years to come. The City recognizes that some construction may inconvenience residents, and appreciates residents' cooperation. Each project page contains further details and will list closures, but the most up to date information is available by calling Municipal Works at 613-932-5354.

2021 Planned Construction Projects

Image of 2021 construction map

 Click here to view an interactive map of construction projects.

Road Reconstruction and Extension Projects

Click on the links below to learn about individual construction projects.

Sidewalk Construction and Replacement Projects

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan completed by IBI & the City in 2010 recommended an annual investment in Active Transportation projects, such as Bicycle and Pedestrian related infrastructure. Stakeholders such as Transitions Cornwall + and the active lifestyle groups have supported the implementation of this plan.

The sidewalk construction candidates in 2021 are along the following streets:

Watermain Relining

The City's watermain lining program aims to improve water quality and system reliability. Many of the City's watermains are 50-75 years old and are in need of repair. Old cast iron pipes are subject to tuberculation build-up. What is tuberculation? It is the name for small mounds of corrosion that grow on the inside of cast iron pipes. The mounds build-up over time and make the inside of the pipe smaller. The mounds (or tubercles) also make the inside of the pipe rough. When the inside becomes smaller and rough, it makes water flow more slowly (because there is more resistance), which results in lower water pressure. Maintaining adequate water pressure is important for a lot of reasons, especially in case of fire.

Lining watermains helps improve the reliability of City's water distribution system. How? Breaks and leaks are more likely to occur in older pipes. If watermain breaks decrease, residents will have a more dependable water supply. It will also help the City to save money in unexpected repairs.

For many years, the City has lined watermains instead of replacing them.  Lining usually takes place in areas where the road and sewers are in good condition. What is the benefit of lining watermains? It repairs pipes without digging up the whole roadway. The Contractor digs small pits to access the main in key locations and works from there.

In 2021, the City will be lining the watermains on the streets listed below. For more information on the individual streets, follow the links below:

Asphalt Resurfacing Projects

The Asphalt Paving Program reflects the needs which have been established in accordance with the Pavement Management System. In addition to those established needs, this program reflects our continued efforts to improve the road network throughout the City integrated with the overall strategy for linear infrastructure improvements. Based on MTO pavement design and rehabilitation methods as well as the municipal road evaluation experience of City staff, it is recommended that the following pavement condition rating (PCR) triggers be used in the evaluation and selection of streets for asphalt resurfacing/rehabilitation:

  • Arterial Streets: less than 70
  • Collector Streets: less than 60
  • Local Streets: less than 50

Traffic volumes using Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) counts and posted speed limits are also important factors in the consideration for pavement rehabilitation. The City must also be mindful of the Ontario Regulation 239/02 Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways and the associated requirements of the varying classification of highways (Class 1 to 6). In addition, comments and recommendations from Municipal Works maintenance personnel, buried infrastructure, as well as public sentiment must also be considered and factored into the decision making for pavement renewal.

Information on the individual projects for 2021 can be obtained by clicking on the streets below

Brookdale Avenue - North Sanitary Sewer Extension Project

Brookdale Avenue North is defined as the immediate lands fronting along Brookdale Avenue from Tollgate Road to Cornwall Centre Road. Since the Brookdale Avenue North Corridor is not currently serviced with sanitary sewer, limited development has occurred in this area.

The work for this project involves construction of new forcemains along Brookdale Avenue from Ninth Street West to Fourteenth Street West and from Tollgate Road to the new sanitary pumping station, construction of gravity sanitary sewer along Brookdale Avenue between Tollgate Road and Cornwall Centre Road, and construction of a new sanitary pumping station just north of the CN railway.

The project involves the construction of the following to service the Brookdale Avenue North Corridor with sanitary sewer:

  • New dual 250mm diameter forcemain from Ninth Street West to Fourteenth Street West;
  • New dual 250mm diameter forcemain from the proposed sanitary pumping station located northeast of the Canadian National (CN) railway and connecting to the existing twin 250mm diameter forcemain located at Tollgate Road West;
  • New 450mm diameter gravity sanitary sewer from Tollgate Road West to the new sanitary pumping station located northeast of the CN railway;
  • New sanitary pumping station including wet well, metering chamber, generator, access road, parking area, landscaping, etc., which is located northeast of the CN railway;
  • Crossing of CN railway with new dual 250mm diameter forcemain and 450mm diameter gravity sanitary sewer using trenchless technologies;
  • New 300mm diameter to 375mm diameter gravity sanitary sewer from the sanitary pumping station to the Highway 401 Corridor;
  • New 250mm diameter gravity sanitary sewer from the south limits of the Highway 401 corridor to the north limits;
  • Crossing of the Highway 401 on/off ramps and main highway with new 250mm diameter gravity sanitary sewer using trenchless technologies;
  • New 250mm diameter gravity sanitary sewer from the north limits of the Highway 401 corridor to Cornwall Centre Road; and
  • Roadway, ditch, boulevard, etc., reinstatement as required for the servicing of the corridor with sanitary sewer.

Brookdale Avenue - North Sanitary Sewer Extension Project Map 1  Brookdale Avenue - North Sanitary Sewer Extension Project Map 2

Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Infrastructure

In 2010, the City retained IBI Group to prepare a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.  The plan recommended that the City invest in active transportation projects on an annual basis.  What is active transportation?  It is the term used when people use their own power to get from one place to another - like walking, cycling, skateboarding, rollerblading.

Active transportation is both great for the environment and our health.  Each year the City invests in building new bicycle lanes/recreational paths.

In 2021, the City was ranked as a silver level Bicycle Friendly Community by the Share the Road Cycling Coalition and the Canadian Automobile Association.

The bicycle infrastructure projects planned for 2021 are:

 Traffic Signal Upgrades

The City currently operates and maintains 69 existing traffic signal locations. The City is mandated to comply with Provincial minimum maintenance standard legislation for traffic signals. With proper maintenance, the average life expectancy of City traffic signals is typically 30 years before requiring complete replacement. This project includes upgrades to existing traffic signals at two intersections which will address aging and non-conforming infrastructure. Older intersections/traffic signals require upgrades and need to be updated to meet current standards to reduce the risk of failure.

The proposed traffic signal upgrade at the intersection of Sydney St. and Seventh Street East will be completed in conjunction with the Sydney Street Reconstruction project from Fifth Street East to Seventh Street East which was included in the 2021 Water & Wastewater Budget. The existing traffic signals along Sydney St. will continue to be replaced as the reconstruction of Sydney St. proceeds north in future budget years. Additionally, the traffic signal at the intersection of Second Street East and McConnell Avenue will be replaced in 2021 prior to the asphalt resurfacing of McConnell Avenue from Second Street East to Fifth Street East which will be completed in the near future in a subsequent budget year.

Image of 2021 Signal Upgrades

 Street Light Pole Replacement

The City undertakes a streetlight condition assessment on a bi-annual basis which provides an overall condition grade of streetlight poles.  Furthermore, the condition assessment identifies deficiencies and establishes priorities for pole replacements.

Several City streetlight poles are aging and cracking, posing a significant potential liability to the City. This capital project targets the replacement of poles that are cracking and/or no longer structurally sound.

For 2021, it is proposed that 12 concrete poles along Pitt Street between Emma Avenue/Balmoral Avenue and Tollgate Road be replaced.  

Any remaining funds from the 2021 Pole Replacement Budget will be used for other various locations. The City owns and maintains approximately 1,400 streetlight poles throughout the City.

Image of 2021 Pole Replacement

Culvert Replacement and Sewer Projects

Crosswalk Improvements

The Heart of the City has initiated a Centretown Streetscape Revitalization Strategy and Implementation Plan, with assistance from EDA Collaboration Inc together with Sierra Planning and Management.

The overarching goal of the Plan is to link Le Village and The Downtown areas. The concept was finalized in 2012, with additional developments in 2013-2014.

The Plan includes intersection and sidewalk improvements. It also includes parking and lighting upgrades. One of the goals of the Plan is to improve aesthetics in the area. This will be done through streetscaping elements and landscaping and 'gateway' treatments along the Water Street/Montreal Road corridor. Improvements will be completed in conjunction with other City construction projects. The plan was endorsed by the Planning Advisory Committee in 2012. 

In 2018, the City used accumulated funds for the installation of crosswalk pavers on Water Street at the Pitt Street and Sydney Street intersections.

The funds included in the 2021 budget will be set aside for the installation of brick pavers at crosswalks as Water Street/Montreal Road in future years.   

Intersection improvement map

Municipal Works Yard Redevelopment

The City of Cornwall Municipal Works Yard (located at 1225 Ontario Street) is undergoing a multi-year, multi-phase rehabilitation. The project includes replacing the offices and workshops, storage buildings and constructing new parking areas.

In 2019/2020 the City completed Phase 1 of the project, which included the construction of a new salt storage facility, a new employee parking lot and a utility compound.

The final component of the first phase of redevelopment is the construction of a noise barrier wall on St Michel Avenue and Lemay Street. The new noise wall will help to minimize the disruption of MW operations to nearby residential properties. The construction of the noise barrier wall is expected to start in June, 2021.

The City has also retained a consultant to begin the design of the second phase of redevelopment, which includes a new administration building and a new garage/multiuse building. Also included in the second phase is additional buried infrastructure (like storm sewers, watermain, etc.) and the demolition of the existing buildings. The construction of Phase 2 is expected to begin in 2022 and be completed over a two-year period.

Project Milestones:

  • 2017: site servicing and grading plan design
  • 2017: salt storage facility design
  • 2017: noise impact assessment
  • 2018: standby power system design
  • 2018: rerouting of utilities, phase one of two
  • 2018: noise attenuation wall design
  • 2019: parking lot construction
  • 2019: site servicing and grading construction, phase one of two
  • 2019: standby power system construction
  • 2020: salt storage facility construction
  • 2020/2021: noise attenuation wall construction, phase one of two
  • 2021:administration and multiuse building design
  • 2022: rerouting of utilities, phase two of two
  • 2022: administration building construction
  • 2023: multiuse building and garage construction
  • 2023: site servicing and grading construction, phase two of three
  • 2024: noise attenuation wall construction, phase two of two
  • 2024: heated storage building design
  • 2025: heated storage building construction
  • 2025: covered, open, and excavated material storage building design
  • 2025: unheated parking storage building design
  • 2026: covered, open, and excavated material storage building construction
  • 2026: unheated parking storage building construction
  • 2026: parks and landscaping equipment storage module design
  • 2027: site servicing and grading construction, phase three of three
  • 2027: parks and landscaping equipment storage module construction
Boundary Road Bridge Rehab

In 2021, the City will be working in conjunction with the United Counties of SD&G for the rehabilitation of the bridge on Boundary Road. The bridge is located 170m south of South Branch Road and acts as a crossing for the South Raisin River.

In 2013, the City and SDG Counties signed a Shared Road Maintenance Agreement  for road sections that are jointly used by the Counties and City.  The agreement includes the section of Boundary Road between Street Road and South Branch Road.

The Shared Road Maintenance Agreement states that the City and Counties would share the costs of capital projects. The types of projects that are considered 'capital' include any major works in the road corridor (paving, reconstruction, etc.) and any bridge rehabilitations or replacements.

As part of a routine structural inspection in 2017, the bridge was identified as being in need of repair. A Consultant was retained to complete a more detailed evaluation and prepare a rehabilitation plan. The Consultant put together a schedule/timeline for the necessary repairs and rehabilitation of the bridge. The schedule includes minor repairs in 2021 and a full rehabilitation at a later date.

Due to the type of work taking place, the road will need to be closed while the Contractor is repairing the bridge. The work is expected to take approximately six (6) weeks.

There may be days where you don't see the Contractor on site in between the different stages of construction. This is a normal part of the process. The Contractor has many crews that do different types of work.

Image of 2021 Boundary Road Bridge Rehabilitation Map

Other Construction Projects in Cornwall and Area


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