Construction Notices |
Project ContactNathan Guindon - Project Supervisor Phone : 613-551-4440 Location |
Cumberland Street, from Second Street to Fourth Street has been identified as having a missing sidewalk link on the west side of the roadway. The city will be constructing a new 1.5m concrete sidewalk on the west side of Cumberland St, the location will be 0.8 metres from property line.
The existing sidewalk on the east side of Cumberland Street, from Second Street to Fourth Street will be replaced with a new 1.5 metre wide concrete sidewalk. The sidewalk will generally be in the same location as it currently is, except it will be wider.
What to Expect During Construction
Excavation for the sidewalks will take place, followed by new granulars installed, and then forming and pouring of the concrete sidewalk. Residents will receive notice prior to the sidewalk being formed and poured as they will not be able to access their driveways with a vehicle for two to three days while the concrete cures. The Contractor will then complete surface restoration, including driveways, walkways and boulevards.
Road and Driveway Access
Access to driveways may be impacted during the construction period; however, access will be restored as quickly as possible. Pedestrian access to all homes and businesses will be maintained during construction.
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Sod Care Notice
May 27, 2021
As part of the recent construction project on Cumberland Street from Second Street to Fourth Street, restoration includes the need for new sod to be installed. A sod care notice has been added to the Construction notice section of this page.
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