Construction Notices


map of construction area


The resurfacing of Walton Street from Danis Avenue to Gardiner Avenue includes full road rehabilitation between Danis Avenue and Lefebvre Avenue, and the removal of the top layer of asphalt between Lefebvre Avenue and Gardiner Avenue.

What to Expect During Construction

The section of Walton Street from Danis Avenue to Lefebvre Avenue will include the removal and replacement of curbs, sidewalks and four catchbasins.  The roadway will be excavated to remove the concrete road base and sub-grade material.  New granulars and asphalt will be placed, followed by surface restoration of driveways,walkways and lawns.

The section of Walton Street from Lefebvre Avenue to Gardiner Avenue will have the top layer of asphalt removed by a milling machine, followed by repaving within 10 work days of the asphalt being removed.  The project also involves curb and sidewalk spot repairs as needed.  All sidewalks intersecting a roadway will have the corner slabs replaced and tactile indicator plates installed.

Road and Driveway Access

The City anticipates that road closures will be needed to complete the work safely. Access to driveways may be impacted during the construction period; however, access will be restored as quickly as possible. Pedestrian access to all homes and businesses will be maintained during construction.

Construction News

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 Start of construction notice

Anticipated Start Date: September 27, 2021

This project includes rebuilding the road corridor (new pavement, curbs, sidewalks) and the installation of a new water, storm, and sanitary sewer mains. This project also involves the separation of the existing combined sewer(s). Sewer separation involves replacing the existing sewer (which includes both storm and sanitary flows) and installing separate pipe networks for storm and sanitary flows.

What To Expect During Construction?

  • You may experience dust, noise, and other inconveniences. The City will make efforts to reduce the impacts. We appreciate your patience.
  • Property owners should remove items located within City property limits (boulevard), such as landscaping and/or decorative objects before work begins. If you have sprinklers systems within the boulevard, please contact the Project Supervisor listed below. The City will not be responsible for damage to any privately owned items on City property.

Work Hours - Work will take place from 7:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday, With After hours and on weekends as required or in an emergency

Pre-Construction Inspection - The Contractor may choose to conduct a pre-construction survey of both the interior and exterior of your property. Participation in the survey is voluntary; however, participating is important in determining if the construction caused damage and to verify existing conditions. The company will deliver a separate notice requesting time to set up appointments. All inspection staff will be wearing photo identification and carrying photographic equipment during their work.

Water Service Disruptions - From time-to-time, the water supply to your property will be shut-off to complete construction; the contractor will provide at least 24-hour advance notice. In the event you did not received advanced notice, an emergency water shut off could have been necessary.

Road & Sidewalk Access - In order to complete work in a safe manner, there will be road and sidewalk restrictions within the work zone, Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained.

Driveway Access - The contractor will notify you of any temporary restrictions to your driveway access.

Accessible Accommodation - Residents who require accommodation (level entry, longer notice, etc.) must contact the Project Supervisor to arrange for access during the construction period.

Traffic Management - All efforts will be made to maintain the traffic flows in the area for the safety of workers, road users and residents. Road Users should expect delays increased traffic on nearby main and side streets.

Garbage & Recycling - Please follow your normal routine. If required, the contractor will move bins to an appropriate location and return them. Please ensure that you label your bins with your address.

Restoration - The construction work area will be restored with sod and/or asphalt where required. Interlocking bricks, flagstone on a granular base, or other similar features that are removed from public and private property during construction will be replaced. Lawn seeding and/or laying of sod will be done as needed during ideal growing seasons only - in the spring (April to June) and fall (September to October).

If you have any questions concerning this project, please contact one of the individuals listed below.

  • Chris Malyon, Malyon Excavation Foreman: 613-330-3771
  • Ben Sinfield, City of Cornwall Project Supervisor: 613-932-5354 ext. 2206
  • City of Cornwall Municipal Works: 613-932-5354

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