Construction Information |
Project ContactKyle McIntosh - Project Supervisor Phone : 613-362-5369 Location
The reconstruction of Alice Street from Montreal Road to First Street includes the complete rehabilitation of 475m of roadway, as well as improvements to buried infrastructure, such as the water distribution network and sewer systems.
What to expect during Construction
Work includes the removal of the existing combined sewer system, which is to be replaced with new storm and sanitary sewers. The separation of combined sewers has the objective of reducing wet weather flows in the sewage system and to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. It reduces the potential for basement flooding because flows are lowered in the pipe that is directly connected to houses. Separation also reduces Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) volumes and the potential for bypasses from the Wastewater Treatment Plant to the St. Lawrence River.
Water Service
The existing watermain on Alice Street is to remain in place, as it was rehabilitated via watermain relining in 2016. Short duration service interruptions may occur. You will receive notices of the interruptions a minimum of 24hrs in advance of the disruption, unless the disruption is a result of unforeseen circumstances, i.e. a watermain break. Notices will also be posted to the 'Construction Notices' section of this webpage. Residents who subscribe to the page will receive notifications via email. Please click the green "Subscribe to this Page" button below in order to subscribe to the page.
Surface Works
Work also includes new curbs and asphalt pavement. As part of the project scope, the roadway will be realigned in order to better accommodate parking requirements on the street and to allow for the installation of a new 1.5m wide sidewalk on the west side of the road.
Throughout construction, you will also see various utility companies (Union Gas, Cornwall Electric, Bell, Cogeco etc.) working within the project area. If you encounter any utility related issues throughout construction, please contact your utility company directly.
Driveway Access
Access to driveways may be impacted during the construction period; however, access will be restored as quickly as possible. Pedestrian access to all homes and businesses will be maintained during construction.
Construction News
To stay up to date with the latest news on this construction project, please subscribe to this page by clicking the green "Subscribe to this Page" button below. By subscribing, you will receive an email notification any time updates or construction notices are added to this page.
Concrete Works Construction Notice
May 27, 2021
Residents on Alice Street from Walton Street to First Street East are advised that as a result of construction activities, access driveways will be limited starting May 27, 2021 while concrete curbs and sidewalks are being constructed. Residents can find a hardcopy of the Concrete Works Notice in their mailbox or around the primary entrance to their dwelling, should they not have a mailbox.
Water Service Disruption Notice
November 23, 2020
Residents on Alice Street from Montreal Road to First Street, are advised that due to the construction work, their water service will be disrupted for several hours on Tuesday, November 24, starting at approximately 10:30 AM. The water service will be reinstated before 6:00 PM, provided we do not experience unforeseen circumstances.
Road Paving Notice
November 20, 2020
Residents on Alice Street from Montreal Road to First Street, are advised that due to the construction work, we ask that your vehicles be off the road prior to 7. a.m on November 21st in order for the installation of the basecoat of asphalt. We apologize for the for the inconvenience.
Water Service Disruption Notice
November 4, 2020
Residents on Alice Street from Montreal Road to First Street, are advised that due to the construction work, their water service will be disrupted for several hours on Thursday, November 5, starting at approximately 7:30 AM. The water service will be reinstated before 6:00 PM, provided we do not experience unforeseen circumstances.
Concrete Works Construction Notice
October 28, 2020
Residents on Alice Street from Montreal Road to First Street East are advised that as a result of construction activities, access driveways will be limited starting Wednesday October 28, 2020 while concrete curbs and sidewalks are being constructed. Residents can find a hardcopy of the Concrete Works Notice in their mailbox or around the primary entrance to their dwelling, should they not have a mailbox. A digital copy of the Concrete Works Notice is available under the ‘Construction Notices’ section of this page.
Water Service Disruption Notice
September 30, 2020
Residents on Alice Street from Montreal Road to First Street, are advised that due to the construction work, their water service will be disrupted for several hours on Friday, October 1, starting at approximately 9:00 AM. The water service will be reinstated before 4:00 PM, provided we do not experience unforeseen circumstances.
Water Service Disruption Notice
September 17, 2020
Residents on Alice Street from Montreal Road to First Street, are advised that due to the construction work, their water service will be disrupted for several hours on Friday, September 18, starting at approximately 9:00 AM. The water service will be reinstated before 4:00 PM, provided we do not experience unforeseen circumstances.
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