There are several ways to pay your tax bills, including withdrawal plans, payment in person, and pay by cheque/internet/telebanking.
Pre-Authorized Payment Plans |
The City of Cornwall offers convenient pre-authorized tax payment plans that allow you to enjoy benefits like: no worries about missed due dates, no standing in lineups, and easier personal budgeting. You may choose from 3 pre-authorized payment plans.
Enrolling To enroll, simply download the application form below or request an application from the Billing and Collection Office. Please indicate which option you have chosen when completing the form, mark 'VOID' and attach an unsigned cheque, encoded with your bank transit number and account number, to the application.
Mail or drop off the completed application along with a void cheque at the following address: Billing and Collection Office
Your application is required a minimum of 10 days prior to the next scheduled withdrawal. If you own more than one property, a separate Pre-Authorization Agreement is required for each property. You may cancel your participation in the plan at any time by advising the Billing and Collection Section. Please note that the City Collector may cancel the privilege of continuing in the plan if two payments fail to be honoured by the bank. It is your responsibility to inform the City in writing on the prescribed form, if your bank account information changes and supply a new VOID cheque or to cancel participation in the PAP program if the property is sold. An service charge of $35.00 will be applied to your account for payments not cleared by your financial institution. In addition, a penalty of 1.25 per cent will be added to your account. If the payment is not replaced in the specified time, you will be notified that your account has been removed from the pre-authorized payment plan. All required changes to the plan must be received by the Billing and Collection Office a minimum of 10 days prior to the next scheduled withdrawl.
Pre-authorized Payment Plan Form PDF Cancellation or Account Information Change Form Pre-Authorized Payment PDF |
Pay in person |
Payments can be made at most financial institutions or at City Hall, 360 Pitt Street 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. Be certain to present your tax bill when paying and retain your payment receipt or transaction record as your receipt. A 24 hour drop-off depository is also provided for your convenience at the entrance of our building, 360 Pitt Street. Please use an envelope and include your remittance slip. Please do not place cash payments in the drop-off box. |
Pay by cheque/Internet/Telebanking |
Most banks offer Internet or telephone banking which facilitates bill payment. Contact your financial institution for details. The City will accept post-dated cheques to the instalment dates. Please include your assessment roll number on the front of each cheque and enclose your remittance slip with the payment. Cheques or money orders are to be made payable to the City of Cornwall along with your remittance slip to Billing & Collection Section, PO Box 877, Cornwall, ON K6H 5T9. To avoid late payment penalties, your mailed payment must arrive in our office on or before the due date. No receipt will be issued, your cashed cheque or transaction record will serve as your receipt. |
Water and Sewer Billing Payment Options |
The City of Cornwall also offers convenient pre-authorized payment plans for water and sewer billings. You have the option of choosing the due date method or ten monthly payments withdrawn on the 1st or the 15th of the month.
Water and sewer bills are due on the following dates each year: Streets A to K - last business day of January and July Streets L to Y - last business day of April and October
Program Details To enrol, simply download the application below (pdf format) or request an application from the Billing and Collection Services. Please indicate which option you have chosen when completing the form, mark 'VOID' and attach an unsigned cheque, encoded with your bank transit number and account number, to the application. Click on the following links to access pre-authorized payment forms: Mail or drop off the completed application along with a void cheque at the following address: Billing and Collection Office Once registered, PREAUTHORIZED will appear on your bill. Until you see PREAUTHORIZED, continue to pay your bill as usual. You may cancel your participation in either of the plan(s) at any time by advising the Billing and Collection Section. Please note that the City Collector may cancel the privilege of continuing either of the plans if two payments fail to be honoured by the bank. If you move or change your bank account while on the pre-authorized plan, you must notify the Billing and Collection Section immediately by calling 613-930-2787 ext. 2317. |
Contact Us
Tax Department
360 Pitt Street, Box 877, Cornwall ON, K6H 5T9
Phone: 613-930-2787 ext. 2317
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