Boat launches and Marina 200 Open as of Saturday, May 16

Posted On Thursday May 14, 2020

The City of Cornwall’s boat launches and Marina 200 are open as of Saturday, May 16.

Marina 200 may also open on Saturday, May 16. For information about Marina 200 including how to rent a slip, please email tquesnel [at]

Outdoor tennis/pickleball courts, baseball diamonds, football fields, basketball courts, the skatepark, and ball hockey courts will open as of Tuesday, May 19. Restrictions apply: use is permitted only for low-contact, single-competitor sports. The City will provide updates as they become available.


The health and safety of residents remains the City of Cornwall’s top priority. Please remember…

  1. Residents should only access recreational facilities with other members of their household.
  2. Residents should maintain a safe distance of 2 metres between yourself and other residents at all times.
  3. Residents should wash their hands before and after coming into contact with commonly touched surfaces like hand rails and gates.
  4. Residents who are ill, who have COVID-19 symptoms, or who have been advised to self-isolate should not use public spaces.


Boaters who park their trailers at the Lamoureux Park boat launch must pay for parking. Only day permits are available at the payment machine on-site. Boaters may purchase monthly and seasonal permits online by clicking here. For more information about parking permits, please click here.


The City of Cornwall has purchased new docks for both boat launch locations. Unfortunately, the delivery of the docks from the United States has been delayed. To ensure boaters may still launch safely, temporary docks have been installed.


Parks and trails remain open, where residents are welcome to walk and bike while maintaining a safe distance of 2 metres.

Play structures, outdoor gyms, and indoor facilities remain closed.


If you have questions, please contact…

  • City Hall: 613-932-6252
  • Community Resource Helpline: 613-933-6282 ext. 3129
  • Eastern Ontario Health Unit: 1-800-267-7120
  • Ontario Resource Helpline: 211

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