NOTICE OF PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE #2 City of Cornwall Archaeological Management Plan, 2023

Posted On Thursday May 18, 2023

The City of Cornwall’s Planning Division is undertaking the City’s first Archaeological Management Plan (CAMP). The CAMP will establish a management framework to ensure the future identification, evaluation and conservation of the City of Cornwall’s archaeological resources.

The Draft Archaeological Management Plan (May 2023) has been prepared and will be ready for public review on the City’s project website on Wednesday May 24, 2023 at

The Draft CAMP includes:

  • An overview of the relevant policy and protocols for managing archaeological resources;
  • Indigenous Engagement Protocol for the City;
  • Historical background and known archaeological resources;
  • Archaeological site potential model for Cornwall; and
  • An outline for when an archaeological assessment is required.

You are invited to attend a Public Open House to learn more about the Draft CAMP, and the final next steps for the project. The Public Open House will be held on:

Wednesday May 31, 2023 – 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Presentation at 5:30 pm)

MacEwen Room, Benson Centre, 800 Seventh Street, Cornwall, ON, K6J 0A3


Note: Kids’ colouring pages and activities will be available.

At the Public Open House, City Staff and WSP-Golder, the City’s archaeological and planning consultant, will be available to answer questions and obtain comments. Should you be unable to attend the Public Open House, the display boards and presentation will be made available on the City’s website following the event.

For additional information on the CAMP, please visit the City’s website at . The website will be updated with upcoming engagement events, and as reports and the Draft AMP become available.  

For more information about the CAMP project, please contact:

Ely Daniels
Planning Division
City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall
100 Water Street East, 2nd Floor, Cornwall, ON K6H 5T9
Tel: 613-930-2787 ext. 2328

If you have any accessibility requirements to participate in the Public Open House, please contact:

Manon L. Levesque, City Clerk
Tel: 613-930-2787 ext. 2316 Email:

Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will be part of the public record.

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